Towseef Ahmad

The need for a Meta-Descriptive Development of Ideas, Strategic Ontology and methods!

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The vegetal and the soylent green metaphysics and the quantum theories which describe the human world, the life world and the attitudes is a big deal to discuss. Many pursuits precede before we ultimately lend ourselves to rich paradigms of change, and it is not a pick and mix matter, material or matrix; rather it is a fact, a conjecture based on communicative levels of inquiry. As an architect and engineer of a social process it must be strictly emphasised that the systematic analysis of the a priori notions and that of the theoretical stance whether in one dimensional framework or two dimensional framework must be kept free from rigmarole and the processes must be kept strategically warranted and authenticated. The necessity and contingent of these issues begins because there is a need to distinguish the representational properties of a particular theoretical stance through the prism of the dialogical tenor. In order to fix the contours of a particular pedagogy for the relevance of its preconditions in the vein of the conceptualizations and comparative formulations of the metaphysics we should approach the theoretical constructs, axioms and rules from a positive and pragmatic stance.

The great effect of the methodological, descriptive and taxonomic metaphysics must be utilized to carve an important framework for the discourse on dialectics and modal qualities which would ensure that the essence of the distinction between the notions and propositions of is and ought is retained for the characteristic salience of transcendental values and value structures. Thence our approach should be based on those deontological artefacts which would ensure the need for the development of the modern linguistics and taxonomy through appropriate and genuine frameworks. We must utilize those techniques and isomorphisms which are based on vantage and boon points and imperatives of logic and reason.

Therefore we must trace the intertwined history and scientific image of the notions of justice and fairness through the utilization of those principles and meta-narratives which will remove the ambiguities and nurture the infallible character of the axioms and the theorems, that would be applied in the field of inquiry and empiricism. In the metaphysical vein too, there is a need to remove the ambiguities from the space points and develop a constructive dialectic to decipher the meaning of the ontologies and the metaontologies vis-à-vis the target space. The constitutive relationship among these meta-narrative and cross disciplinary paradigms and afterparadigms must not remain understudied and based on vague propositions rather we must be able to shed the beacon light on these categorical imperatives through the task of social engineering.

The ideal and meta-descriptive transformation will enable us to complete the synthesis of unambiguous propositions and propositional knowledge including the vegetal metaphysics in which the flaws have remained a major concern for the structural and scientific realism. Therefore borrowing from the superstition will not lead us to appropriate analysis and examination of the theoretical paradigms. What we should do therefore is that we must adopt the barometer of reason and logic to inculcate rich perspectives and values and test the theories and the scientific propositions.

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