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‘Everyone does helpfulness unto himself’

A translation of Sir Syed’s Hamdardi

By: Abbas Ali

What a deception! In which ignorance are those who think that helping someone in distress is known as helpfulness? Does nature do any unfruitful acts? Not at all. Although, we cannot understand, many are not a part of this fruitfulness. Not at all. We are part of it, undoubtedly, directly or indirectly, or intermediary within intermediary. Then where did we help others? Instead, from our comfort zone, we are helping ourselves. Therefore, those who show helpfulness help themselves, and those who do not show helpfulness harm themselves.

The word “helpful” directs our thoughts toward assisting those in distress and gloom, but if we do not consider the true meaning of distress, we may falter.The ordinary sense of the word “distress,” which we understand is not its absolute meaning, seems to be relative. Something that distresses one person may not be distressing to another person. By habit and use, it becomes so different that it ceases to be distressed. Because of some enthusiasm, it so transforms that it seems to be bliss. Undoubtedly, all these meanings are relative, and the real purpose is contrary to natural delight and enjoyment.

That situation is the existence of involuntary cases, and their coming into existence is voluntary. But the last situation, if it comes into being in ignorance of the result or non-recurring loss, is like the earlier one; otherwise, it is not distress but punishment, and there is no helpfulness in it. Therefore, helping during natural or identical to real pain is authentic helpfulness.

Perhaps sympathy, empathy, and helpfulness are united in the result, but each has a different purpose. Sympathy is a natural virtue that is served equally well by the homogeneous and the heterogeneous. The effect of empathy exists only among homogonous people. Helpfulness, the product of rationality, can be found among the rational and, therefore, depends on the individual. Thus, his humanity is a loss to one who has no helpfulness.

According to natural laws, helpfulness has different stages based on its variance. As a father, brother, wife, children, relatives of various degrees, the country, and then neighbouring countries, people of distant countries are the source of our comfort. In the same way, the Almighty has created the strength of helpfulness degree after degree. A father has a different helpfulness toward his son than toward his grandson. And that which is for his grandson is different from that for his great-grandson. Likewise, as the relationship increases, the intensity of helpfulness decreases, and when it extends to a country or neighbouring country, or distant countries, it goes on thinner and thinner.

Some people say it is a fraud, and if it is not a fraud and this difference in degrees is natural, then why is there no helpfulness between a stranger father and an unfamiliar son? It is only an idea that breeds likeness, which results in helpfulness. The hatred, which is its opposite, proves that even if there is a natural relationship, there is no helpfulness when it takes birth.

Of course, this or something like this happens, but there is something wrong with it. An immediate relative is undoubtedly closer to us than a distant relative. Likewise, a less distant relative is more intimate than a more distant one. If this intimacy is natural, then the helpfulness is genuine too. Yes, likeness intensifies it and makes it seem natural. Hatred suppresses the intensity, and it seems to have been put off at times. Suppose it does not light up between a stranger father and an unfamiliar son. It is not because there is no helpfulness, but because a big part of humanity is missing, i.e., deliberate knowledge. But surprisingly, the great helpfulness is great in condemnation and low in quality, which is low in condemnation and excellent in quality. because one has a low natural rate and the other has a high natural quality

The worst-tempered person is liable to punishment because it is equivalent to breaking the firm rule of nature. Helping is not an excellent quality because the character does so forcibly. Not helping distant relatives is not a condemnable act because it does not violate any natural solid law. But assisting a distant relative is the most praiseworthy act because it perfectly completes the aim of nature.

Unfortunately, the first beautiful quality is revealed in deception, whereas the second one is pride. The evil of abandoning the first one destroys the virtues of executing the second. In this way, true help is by nature and completes the goal and goal of the heart.

How beautifully and easily this topic has been made workable by the Almighty-the knower of sociology and civilization laws tells us, “Virtue is not only setting your face towards the east or the west. Virtue is belief in Allah, the last day, the angels, the book, the prophets, and giving wealth in His love to the near ones, to orphans, to the destitute, the travelers, to the beggars, and to save the lives of the people. ” Surah AL Baqarah Ayat 177.

The beautiful sequence that He tells therein quite follows the laws of nature. It strengthens our belief that one who has created laws of nature has given us this applicable law. Undoubtedly, the founder of both is one whose purpose of words and action is the same. ”

Anwar Sidiqi’s Intikhab Mazameen Sir Syed (pg. 19-22) The translator is a Sr. Lecturer in Economics. [email protected]

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