
‘Sending education on vacation’

‘Sending education on vacation’

Respected Sir, I am writing this letter in this freezing cold not to get any favour, but to draw your kind attention to the important issue of winter vacations. Sir, since my childhood days I am familiar with this vacation syndrome and not a single effort has been made to reverse this unholy custom. In […]


Let Us Revisit Pupil Teacher Ratio

Let Us Revisit Pupil Teacher Ratio

By: MUKHTAR AHMAD FAROOQI Education is the basic way for accelerating the process of human development in any country. Under the sphere of education system, primary education gets the highest priority as the base of formal education. Rationalization of teaching staff and Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) are the most hotly debated topics as far as […]


And the Doctor Left

And the Doctor Left

Short story...

By: Aabid Rehman Pala On a dull morning in early October, when an obscure wave of restlessness had filled the environs of the university and sun was hanging over lazily as if forced to leave for the west, no bird could be seen chirping and rustling in the lawns and the pigeons on the minarets […]


Electricity is not dangerous until you make it so!

Electricity is not dangerous until you make it so!

By: JAWAAZ AHMAD Day in and day out we hear the news about fires that take place in Kashmir due to a short circuits and damage properties, people get killed by electric shocks accidentally, electrical devices get damaged due to mains double phasing faults in colonies, poor electricity supply, etc. So what is this electric […]


Wall of Kindness!

Wall of Kindness!

By: Nazim Humayoon Primarily, a wall is meant to create a boundary or a demarcation but there is a concept, very encouraging and inspiring, called as ‘’Wall of Kindness’’ which is believed to have begun in Mashhad Iran and travelled to various parts of the world. It was the year 2015 when Iran was facing […]


Are small fish nearing extinction?

Are small fish nearing extinction?

BY: Javid Rather The phenomenal thing that has happened to the valley in the last three decades is the growing number of educational institutions and verily educational institutions are the assets we must be proud of collectively. It tells about the leaps in terms of the development a state has taken. A mushroom growth of […]




By: JAVID RATHER As the new academic session in Kashmir schools kick started, the valley witnessed much furor on the sky touching prices of the books recommended by the private schools and verily parents had to wed a lot of finance to meet the expenses- though committees were set into motion by the government which […]


The blessing for all!

The blessing for all!

My choice of  Mohammad Salallahu-alaihi-wasalam to lead the list of world's most influential people may surprise some readers or may be questioned by others but I believe that he was the only man in the history who was supremely successful on both religious and secular levels-Dr. Michael H Hart

Many stalwarts, Heroes, legends, leaders, warriors, statesmen and icons have shone on the horizon of the world since its inception. Some have done well in politics, some have proven their mettle in bravery, some have made niche in academics, some have been generous philanthropists, but none has attained perfection as a role model to be […]


How far is too far!

How far is too far!

Our traditions are dying a slow death, we must wake up!

I choose to live by choice not by chance, to make changes not excuses, to be motivated not manipulated, to excel not compete, I choose self-esteem not self-pity, I choose to listen to my inner voice not the random opinion of others. I choose the best helping hands that are at the end of my […]




BY: Mohammad Imran Jane Addams was a sociologist, social reformer and social worker who favoured democratic inclusion, pacifism, internationalism, feminism and pluralistic society, was born in Cedarville in 1860. In 1931 she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and is recognized as the founder of social work profession in United […]

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