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Pandemonium in Youth in Kashmir: Think Responsibly. Act Immediately.

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By: Ikkz Ikbal

The once serene valley- Kashmir, now echo’s with the unsettling realities of shortcuts, fraudulent online businesses, scams, mindless use of social media and a surge in substance abuse- all this steering them towards perilous paths. The moral degradation and decline in ethical values and principles among the youth is also becoming a matter of serious concern.

At the heart of this chaos lies a disturbing trend – the youth’s increasing involvement in seeking quick solutions to life’s challenges. The digital era has ushered in newfound opportunities, but for many Kashmiri youth, it has also become a breeding ground for dubious ventures.

The pursuit of shortcuts, fuelled by economic uncertainties and a lack of guidance, has created a breeding ground for scams and questionable online activities. The fervor to amass wealth through shortcuts has become a symphony of chaos. Engaging in dubious online businesses and falling prey to scams have become prevalent, showcasing a distressing lack of guidance and awareness. The allure of fantasy games and online gaming has ensnared the minds of the youth, diverting their focus from constructive pursuits. Unfortunately, the youth in Kashmir seem to be navigating towards the darker side of the online realm. The alarm bells of serious addiction and financial insecurity echo loudly.

The consequences of these distractions are far-reaching, affecting not only individual lives but the fabric of Kashmiri society as a whole.

Another particularly alarming aspect of this pandemonium is the pervasive rise in substance abuse. The recent reports, revealing that a large segment of Kashmiri youth are engaged in drug addiction, points to a distressing truth. The roots of this epidemic lie in the uncertainty of future endeavors and the pervasive loneliness gnawing at the hearts of the young generation. It’s a stark reminder that, amidst the mesmerizing landscapes, the battle for the future of Kashmir is being fought within the hearts and minds of its youth.

Social media, once hailed as a bridge connecting hearts, has now transformed into a double-edged sword, inflicting deep wounds on the fabric of Kashmir’s youth. The pervasive use of these platforms not only exacerbates the sense of isolation but also hibernates them about the real issues grappling outside the digital world.

One cannot ignore the role of social media in exacerbating this crisis. The incessant use of social media platforms for mindless engagement, such as watching reels and collecting snap streaks, has become a 21st-Century Drug. The genuine connection that social media promised has been overshadowed by a virtual realm that fosters unhealthy habits. and detaches the youth from their immediate realities.

The youth, once heralded as the future, find themselves ensnared in the shackles of these seemingly harmless yet perilous obsessions.

Adding to this alarming scenario is the moral degradation and decline in ethical values and principles among today’s youth. The erosion of traditional values impacts not only individuals but the community as a whole. As ethical boundaries blur, the sense of responsibility towards oneself and society diminishes, contributing further to the overall pandemonium.

While these external factors undoubtedly play a significant role, the roots of the pandemonium extend deeper into societal structures. An alarming increase in the unemployment rate serves as a breeding ground for discontent and desperation. When avenues for legitimate employment seem scarce, the youth often turn to unconventional and sometimes perilous means of survival.

Educational institutions also share a portion of the accountability. The failure to align curricula with the demands of the evolving job market leaves the youth ill-equipped for the challenges they face. The disconnection between education and employability further compounds the issue, steering the youth towards paths laden with uncertainties.

Addressing this pandemonium in Kashmir’s youth requires a collective effort. Policymakers must focus on creating sustainable employment opportunities and revamping the education system to empower the youth with relevant skills. Communities and families play a crucial role in fostering an environment that supports open dialogue and provides guidance, steering the youth away from destructive paths.

Only through a comprehensive, collaborative effort can Kashmir pave the way for a resilient and empowered youth, breaking free from the shackles that threaten their potential and the future of Kashmir region.

We live in a time were morality, what’s right and wrong, what’s politically correct or incorrect changes every passing year. Life’s become so fast that in the middle of it we forget the concept of what’s right and wrong.

When we talk about our younger generation today, we usually think about problem segment of our society. We almost make word “youth” synonym to the word “problem”. There’s a loud cry that the youth are crazy about online shortcuts for their financial issues, doing drugs, they are into filth and mindless surfing on the internet, adopt popular culture, get easily swayed, they have lost their faith and most importantly they are confused.

We think the youth as the weakest link of our society!! No they are our strength instead, as always and it’s essential to view the challenges faced by today’s youth not as a sign of weakness but as an opportunity for growth and guidance. Amidst the rapid pace of life, it becomes crucial to recognize that the struggles faced by the younger generation are a reflection of the complex cultural environment they find themselves in. Rather than labeling them as a problem segment, let’s acknowledge the potential within the youth as a source of strength for society.

Understanding the pressures of financial issues, and the allure of popular culture, it is our collective responsibility to guide the youth toward positive paths. Rather than succumbing to stereotypes, let’s empower them to believe in themselves, helping them navigate the challenges of modern culture with resilience. The key lies in fostering a supportive environment that encourages self-belief and provides the necessary tools for the young generation to not just survive but thrive in these demanding times. After all, the strength of a society ultimately rests on the empowerment and guidance we offer to the youth who shape its future.

The writer is Administrator at Maryam Memorial Institute MMI Pandithpora

E mail: [email protected]

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