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Beyond the Classroom: The Untold Story of Underpaid Private Teachers

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Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela

 By: Er Aausyf Ibn Farooq

Teachers serve as mentors, guides, and facilitators of knowledge, imparting not only academic lessons but also instilling values, nurturing curiosity, and fostering critical thinking skills in their students. They play a pivotal role in shaping the character, aspirations, and perspectives of the next generation, laying the foundation for a more enlightened and compassionate society. Through their dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment, teachers inspire, empower, and transform lives, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

Every morning teachers make it to their respective schools, fully prepared to engage with the young learners full of enthusiasm and vigor. With each lesson imparted, they weave the fabric of tomorrow, nurturing young minds and igniting the flames of curiosity. Yet, behind their noble endeavors, lies a tale of struggle and resilience, where private teachers in Kashmir face daunting obstacles despite their unwavering dedication.

Private teachers in Kashmir, equipped with advanced degrees and qualifications, find themselves trapped in a cycle of underemployment and financial instability. Despite their dedication to imparting knowledge and shaping young minds, they face numerous challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being.

One of the primary concerns plaguing private teachers in Kashmir is the disparity between their qualifications and the compensation they receive. Many of these educators hold master’s degrees or even doctorates in their respective fields, yet they accept meager salaries that barely cover their basic needs. This glaring mis-match between qualifications and remuneration not only demoralises teachers but also undermines the value of education in society.

Adding to their financial woes, private teachers in Kashmir face the challenge of receiving winter salaries irregularly. The harsh winter months, characterized by heavy snowfall and logistical challenges, often disrupt the payment process by school management, leaving teachers struggling to make ends meet during the most challenging time of the year. 

The precarious nature of employment in the private education sector exacerbates the challenges faced by teachers in Kashmir. Many educators are hired on short-term contracts or as hourly wage workers, lacking job security and stability. This uncertainty not only affects their financial stability but also hampers their ability to plan for the future and invest in their professional development.

The predicament faced by private educators in Kashmir is not limited to financial difficulties, it also affects their general welfare and morale. With low pay, long hours, and unfulfilled expectations, educators frequently experience chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout. In addition to having an adverse effect on their mental health, overcoming these obstacles emotionally depletes them of motivation and makes them feel unappreciated.

To address the systemic issues plaguing private teachers in Kashmir, concerted efforts are needed from various stakeholders, including educational institutions, government authorities, and civil society organisations. Firstly, schools must recognise the value of qualified teachers and provide them with fair compensation and job security commensurate with their qualifications and experience. Additionally, policymakers need to implement measures to regulate the private education sector and enforce labor laws to protect the rights of teachers. This includes establishing minimum wage standards, ensuring timely payment of salaries, and providing avenues for grievance redressal.

The writer is an Engineer and Educator.  [email protected]

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