Basharat Bashir

Digital painting

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Digital painting is an emerging art form unlike any other form of painting we have previously known about. It’s whole new form of art different from traditional painting techniques.  Digital painting has pawed new and easy ways for artists to create a bulk of artworks without actually occupying physical space. One can store thousands of artworks on digital drives and print them whenever needed.

Digital painting allows artists to choose from a variety of options provided by the painting software’s. It gives artist access to mimic every known medium of painting and drawing within his/her fingertips. One can work in any medium such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. using digital tools by means of a computer, a graphics tablet and software. The artist uses painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer through various brushes and paint effects. In most digital painting programs, the users can create their own brush styles using a combination of texture and shape. This ability is very important in bridging the gap between traditional and digital painting.

Digital painting is a non linear process unlike traditional painting it allows user to arrange a painting in layers that can be edited independently. It also provides the user with options to undo and redo strokes without any traces of error.  The digital artist also enjoys access to unlimited colors that are unavailable to the traditional painter.  The user can have any size of canvas with desired painting surface along with a virtual palette consisting of millions of colors, as well as erasers, pencils, spray cans, brushes, combs, and a variety of 2D and 3D effect tools. A graphics tablet allows the artist to work with precise hand movements simulating a real pen and drawing surface.

Digital painting has made it easy for everyone to begin experimenting with art. One can create digital paintings with the help of guiding tools without actually having proper drawing and painting skills. Digital tabs and pens have made it simpler for users to control lines and strokes.  Now pen tablets come with pressure sensitivity, allowing the artist to vary the intensity of the chosen media on the screen. There are tablets with over two thousand different levels of pressure sensitivity.  Although many critics do not consider digital painting sincere and true form of art, but it is really changing whole concept of art and artists with overwhelming quantity uploaded on digital platforms each and every day from around the world.

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