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Today: Jun 10, 2024

LG calls for zero tolerance against non-observance of Covid-appropriate behaviour

1 min read

Srinagar: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Saturday directed the administration to ensure the adherence of Covid-appropriate behavior and 100 percent vaccination coverage to eliminate the threat of the possible third wave of the virus.

Sinha chaired a series of meetings with Covid Task Force, deputy commissioners and district SSPs to review the coronavirus situation across the Union Territory.

The meetings were the latest in the series, wherein the LG takes district-wise assessment of the Covid scenario in the UT and seeks action-taken report from the district administrations, an official spokesman said.

In the meeting with the DCs and SSPs, the LG directed for adopting zero-tolerance against non-observance of Covid-appropriate behaviour to ensure that the Covid situation remains under control.

Divisional commissioners and deputy commissioners were instructed to monitor the working of joint teams for effective enforcement of containment measures.

“Adherence of Covid-appropriate behaviour, 100 percent vaccination coverage of the targeted population, maximum testing, wearing of face masks, strict implementation of micro-containment zones, effective clinical management need to be ensured in a mission mode to eliminate the threat of the third wave,” Sinha said.

He said the J&K administration is getting full support from the Centre in its fight against the pandemic.

Against the committed 6.5 lakh doses of vaccination for the current lot, the Centre has provided more than 16 lakh doses to J&K which itself speaks about its undeterred commitment and dedicated attention towards saving precious lives, he said.

“This will also help the UT government to achieve its target of covering 60 percent of the population with the first dose by August,” Sinha said.

The LG said J&K’s average vaccination coverage of the first dose in 45 and above age group clocking 99.9 percent, positivity rate dropping to 0.2 percent and all districts falling under green zone as per the stringent indicators for consecutive weeks are results of strenuous efforts by all.

He directed the Health department to prioritise vaccination of college and university students.

“As the Covid situation in J&K has improved significantly, now we can work out a plan to open educational institutions in a staggered manner,” he said.

Atal Dulloo, Additional Chief Secretary, Health and Medical Education Department gave a detailed district-wise analysis of Covid-19 pandemic including the status of vaccine availability and coverage; daily trend of COVID 19 cases; trend of daily testing done and daily positivity rate etc.

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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