KI News

The Pillar of Strength in Islamic Faith: Embracing Sabr for great rewards

The Pillar of Strength in Islamic Faith: Embracing Sabr for great rewards

                           Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy. – Saadi By: Rameez Rasool Mir Islam’s definition of “sabr” (Patience) is the quality of being patient, tenacious, and steady in the face of difficulties and trials in life while retaining faith […]

 KI News

‘Digital Orphans’ in the era of digital world

‘Digital Orphans’ in the era of digital world

By: MooL Raj Emergence of various digital technologies is transforming the world around us as was done by urbanization and globalization. Advent of technology has turned the world into a global village and empowered the individuals with quick transmission of data and information. At the same time, increase in the number of people accessing the […]

 Syed Karar Hashmi

Preparedness always minimizes damage during disasters 

Preparedness always minimizes damage during disasters 

To follow precautionary measures before any eventuality or disaster surely minimizes damage, referring to the extent and intensity of rains in the Kashmir valley from a couple of days, witnessed by heavy rain, lightning, snow and momentary gusts of wind, flooding of public roads, flooding of seasonal rivers, water flowing from upstream and canals are […]

 KI News

Revolutionizing Spinal Care with Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

Revolutionizing Spinal Care with Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

By: Dr Sumit Goyal In recent years, a groundbreaking method called Endoscopic Spinal Surgery has become a ray of hope for people dealing with spine problems. This modern technique uses a slim tool called an endoscope, which has a camera and light, to explore the spine through small cuts. Unlike traditional surgeries where big cuts […]

 KI News

Understanding Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia: Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment

By: Dr T.S. Kler Electrophysiology is a branch of cardiology that focuses on the electrical activity of the heart and its relationship with heart rhythm disorders, known as arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are abnormalities in the rhythm of the heart, which can manifest as irregular heartbeats or abnormal heart rates. These disturbances can range from harmless to […]

 KI News

Kashmir Battles with Power Outages: Will Kashmir’s Electricity Woes Ever End?

Kashmir Battles with Power Outages: Will Kashmir’s Electricity Woes Ever End?

By: Ikkz Ikbal  The power crises in Kashmir has reached alarming levels in the recent times with the valley facing worst ever electricity shortage this spring. The hopes of the residents are ruined by the shadow of power crises plaguing the region. The Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) finds itself embroiled in a storm […]

 KI News

Screen the people we connect with

Screen the people we connect with

On the rising trend of social media trolling By: Mohd Younus Bhat When Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, it appeared to be a brilliant idea. Initially, it served as an online mug book for college students, but it quickly evolved into something much larger. People of all ages and backgrounds joined the platform, connecting with their […]

 KI News

The Perils and Pitfalls of Proselytising

The Perils and Pitfalls of Proselytising

‘And therefore to reason together one must not start from any conclusion, from any belief, from any dogma which conditions the mind so that we cannot reason together.’ By: Dr Shabeer Ahmad Khan Today, in Kashmir, a palpable tension permeates the air, one born of fervent religious proselytisation. This age-old practice, characterised by a relentless […]

 KI News

Safeguarding Biodiversity: A Vital Mission for the Health of our Planet

Safeguarding Biodiversity: A Vital Mission for the Health of our Planet

By: Sabiya Majeed Safeguarding biodiversity stands as a paramount mission crucial for the sustenance and flourishing of our planet. In the grand tapestry of life, biodiversity serves as the intricate thread weaving together ecosystems, species, and the intricate web of life itself. It encompasses the rich array of living organisms, from the tiniest microbes to […]