Tactical subversion

Tactical subversion

“Please don’t declare a holiday as a mark of respect to me when I die…of course, I will.” This is what Justice A K Ganguly – who was one of the two judges on the 2G bench – underlined in February 2012. The judge while lamenting that the vacation system was a very serious issue […]


Standing on one’s feet

Standing on one’s feet

If the devastating ethnography of the raw realities of life and history in Jammu and Kashmir are looked into, it goes without saying that the most vital chunk of the society   our youth   are not only a disarrayed and disturbed lot but they are also exhausted in terms of their hope for a better future. […]


Facing the challenges

Facing the challenges

Jammu and Kashmir is face to face with numerous problems and crises. While on one hand the political turmoil coupled with the violence has been proving a stumbling block in state’s progress and development, on the other hand it is the corruption that has been eating up the very vitals of the society. Notwithstanding the […]


Water woes

Water woes

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is lavishly bestowed with abundant water resources which have immense potential to change the life-standard of the inhabitants of the whole state provided they are exploited judiciously. However, what meets the eye is a soaring picture that if not rectified could lead to an entirely different conclusion which is […]


Looking inwards

Looking inwards

In an overly politicized atmosphere during past couple of decades ordinary Kashmiris have been given to believe that  they are the best . Without going into the specifics, the statement itself is finding increasing resonance both in public as well as private discourse. Beginning from the natural beauty of the place people usually end up […]


Abusing freedom

Abusing freedom

Economics has historically been associated with money and quantity. As such, even though a pragmatic science, as it has evolved, economic gurus have always had a knack for prioritizing material needs of humankind over the equally pressing emotional and psychological needs. Ironically talking of the factors motivating economic growth, which usually entails the use of […]


Why keep white elephants?

Why keep white elephants?

Like a proverbial ‘Andher Nagri’ , nothing seems to work here in this God-forsaken land. Each field and every sphere of human activity here is corrupted with so many vices that one really wonders about the possibility of things changing for any good. Making the matters worst for the common masses is the fact that […]


Ailing health system

Ailing health system

Everyone seems to be taking advantage of the ignorance, innocence and unawareness of the masses in Jammu and Kashmir. Exploitative elements have a free run in this land of unaccountability. And people in general too have given up the fervor of resistance to meekly compromise with the circumstances that are ubiquitous. With the greedy and […]


Mess on roads

Mess on roads

The frequency of traffic accidents has shot up at an alarming pace much to the shock and scare of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. If one goes by the reported cases of road accidents, the menace is taking a great toll on human lives now than it was ever before. Some years back stray […]


Kashmir first

Kashmir first

Living in a world awash in violent conflict is certainly not a very pleasing thought. Given that the tradition of hatred and capacity for destruction are expanding and surging, and conflicts are playing out in an era when the ability to destroy life and property is without limit. No wonder that in the early years […]

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