Jealousy: A Cataclysmic Pathway to Self-Destruction

Jealousy: A Cataclysmic Pathway to Self-Destruction

By: Peer Mohammad Amir Qureshi Jealousy or Envy is a pernicious affliction that ravages the heart and soul, engenders a venomous disposition in its bearer. This potent sentiment, entwined with resentment, anger, hostility, inadequacy, bitterness, and humiliation, pervades all strata of society, sparing neither age nor gender. Known as Hasad also, envy manifests as an […]


Thyroid: The Powerhouse Gland That Impacts Health and Metabolism

Thyroid: The Powerhouse Gland That Impacts Health and Metabolism

By: Dr Sameer Ullah Khan / Shariqa Aisha/ Kaneez Fatima The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the neck, often goes unnoticed in our everyday lives. Yet, this unassuming gland plays a vital role in regulating numerous bodily functions and maintaining overall health. As the medical community continues to explore the intricacies of […]


The Invaluable Essence of Family

The Invaluable Essence of Family

By: Arshid Qalmi In a world filled with ever-evolving responsibilities and an endless array of distractions, it is vital to recognize the immeasurable worth of family. They are the steadfast pillars that support us through life’s trials and triumphs, providing us with unwavering love, companionship, and a sense of belonging. This article delves into the […]


Nine years of the Modi Government – a total transformation of the Power Sector

Nine years of the Modi Government – a total transformation of the Power Sector

By: R. K. Singh In the past nine years, the Modi Government has achieved a remarkable transformation in the Power Sector. The days of constant load shedding and power deficits are now history. Before 2014-15, the deficit in power supply was at a staggering 4.5%. However, since the government took office in 2014, an impressive […]


All Villages of J&K UT Declared ODF Plus

All Villages of J&K UT Declared ODF Plus

By: Mir Iqbal The Directorate of Rural Sanitation, Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj has achieved yet another milestone of declaring all villages as ODF Plus. The achievement of 100% ODF Plus milestone is significant as it goes beyond constructing and use of toilets towards cleanliness by managing either Grey water or Solid Waste […]


March towards Social Justice and Empowerment

March towards Social Justice and Empowerment

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, under the outstanding leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, is committed to uplift and empower marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society, such as SCs, OBCs, EBCs, DNTs, Transgenders, Senior Citizens, Safai Karmcharis, etc. In the past nine years, significant progress is being seen of people […]


Quran burning is sheer Islamophobia, bigotry

Quran burning is sheer Islamophobia, bigotry

‘Quran resides in millions of hearts’

By: Dr Sheikh Arshid Ahmad The burning of the Quran in Sweden has sharply heightened tensions throughout the world with Turkey at its forefront showing aggressive approach as it expressed its strict condemnation over this unethical act.”We condemn in the strongest possible terms the vile attack on our holy book. Permitting this anti-Islam act, which […]


Empowering the Youth without being judgmental   

Empowering the Youth without being judgmental   

By: Suman Lone We tend to be good at criticizing others and being judgmental because it is easy to spot flaws in people or things we encounter. Appreciation, on the other hand, requires a critical perspective and thinking behind it, and it takes time to pause and truly listen or observe something in order to […]


India, USA ushers in an era of technology driven Equal collaboration

India, USA ushers in an era of technology driven Equal collaboration

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s just concluded visit to the USA has instantly gone down in the history as it establishes India as a major global player in the years to come. While India and the USA usher in an era of technology driven equal collaboration, it marks the beginning of a journey of which, as […]


Chosing political sciences over natural sciences

Chosing political sciences over natural sciences

By: Shahid Farooq When it comes to choosing an academic path, there are countless options available, each with its own allure and potential for personal and professional growth. Some individuals are moved to the intricacies of the natural world, while others find their passion in understanding and shaping the complex dynamics and nuances of human […]

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