Today: Jul 02, 2024

Div Com holds meeting to address traffic issues in Sgr City

Sets timelines for completion of upgradation, developmental works on roads
1 min read

SRINAGAR: In view of traffic congestion at different places across the city due to the ongoing developmental works on roads, the Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, today convened a high-level meeting to address the important issue and remove hindrances in smooth vehicular movement.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Inspector General of Police Central Kashmir, Rajiv Panday; Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Dr Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat; SSP Srinagar, Aashish Mishra; SSP Traffic Srinagar, Muzaffar Shah; Officers of Srinagar Smart City, R&B, Transport, NHAI besides other concerned officers.

The meeting discussed the slow movement of traffic at Nishat due to the difference in gradient level which leads to the traffic jams.

Addressing the meeting, Div Com directed Srinagar Smart City officers to ensure levelling of the gradient by today evening through concrete to allow comfortable movement of commuters.

Besides, he directed them to create no hawker and no halting zones at Nishat Garden by installing the signages and asked them to levy heavy fines on violation of instructions.

Further, to ensure alignment of traffic flow there, he instructed concerned to install railings at the site.

He also instructed for completion of pending work at Box-culvert immediately without consuming further time.

The meeting discussed the construction of an underpass at Nishat and instructed SSCL to prepare DPR for the proposal envisioned by the officers.

To reduce the congestion by school vehicles on picnics, the meeting decided that the concerned schools should inform the traffic police about their visiting schedule well in advance.

Also, Div Com directed concerned officers to make the circular turnaround at Nishat operational by executing of remaining developmental work.

While discussing the issue raised by SSP Traffic regarding slow vehicular movement at Nowpora, the Div Com instructed for completion of upgradation works to allow movement of traffic on both sides of the road.

Similarly, he instructed SSCL to expedite the developmental work at the interiors of the Jahangir Chowk flyover. Besides, he asked DIG CK the shift of the CCTV Camera tower at the busiest Chowk to another place.

Regarding Badyari Bridge, the meeting was informed that the construction work has been completed but the macadamization of roads needs to be carried out urgently for the convenience of the general public.

The meeting was informed that the work on Hari Singh High Street shall be initiated very soon for the beautification and upgradation of the road.

Regarding repairing a small patch of damaged road at Nowgam on Highway, Div Com directed R&B officials to get the road repaired with concrete within two days.

The meeting also deliberated regarding the improvement and macadamization of service roads of flyovers and the completion of the Nowgam flyover on the scheduled deadline.

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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