Today: Jul 04, 2024

Lessons from a Capsizing Boat

2 mins read

A boat sank mid-river and some passengers were drowned. The ghastly incident reached the king’s court. The king summoned the boatman for an inquiry.

 “Why did the boat sink? Was there a hole in it?” the king inquired.

 “No, Your Majesty, the boat was in perfect condition,” replied the boatman.

 “Did you overload the boat with passengers?” the king continued.

 “No, Your Majesty, the boat carried passengers within its capacity. I have ferried many more passengers without any issues in the past.”

 “Was there a storm or any natural calamity?” asked the king.

 “No, Your Majesty, the weather was pleasant and the river was calm.”

 “Did you consume alcohol?” the king questioned.

 “No, Your Majesty, you can ask the survivors who swam back with me. I was completely sober,” the boatman assured.

The king, puzzled, asked, “Then what caused such a grave accident?”

The boatman began his explanation, “Your Majesty, the boat was moving smoothly, without any turbulence. Suddenly, one of the passengers spat inside the boat. I stopped rowing and confronted him, asking why he did such a thing. He mockingly responded, ‘Will the boat sink if I spit inside it?’

I replied, ‘The boat won’t sink, but your filthy act is intolerable. Think about it; the boat is carrying you safely across the river, and you are disrespecting it.’

The king, now curious, asked, ‘What happened next?’

The boatman continued, “Your Majesty, the man got angry and retorted, ‘We are paying you to ferry us across. You are not doing us a favor.’”

Enraged, the king exclaimed, “Paying for the service doesn’t give him the right to spit inside the boat! What happened after that?”

The boatman narrated, “He started arguing with me. Meanwhile, other passengers joined in. Many supported me, opposing his behavior.”

The king asked, “Did this opposition not make him realize his mistake?”

The boatman shook his head, “Unfortunately, not, Your Majesty. Some passengers sided with him, and soon, the boat was divided into two factions, arguing and fighting mid-river.”

The king, now visibly concerned, asked, “Fighting on a moving boat! Did you try to stop them?”

“I did, Your Majesty,” the boatman replied. “I pleaded with folded hands, warning them that any disturbance could endanger all our lives. But they ignored my warnings and continued their brawl. Eventually, the boat lost balance and sank into the deep river.”

The story reminds us that in these delicate times, we must exercise patience and unity. Like passengers in a boat, we’re all in this together. Our action, no matter how small, can have far-reaching consequences. It’s crucial to maintain balance and harmony, lest we risk capsizing our collective ship. Let us heed this tale as a call for mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. For in the vast river of time, our nation’s journey continues, and its safe passage depends on each one of us.

Conclusively, the story narrated in the king’s court, is a timeless reminder of the importance of collective responsibility and harmony. As the boatman’s experience illustrates, it takes only a few moments of discord to jeopardize the safety of many. Let us learn from this tale and strive to maintain peace and cooperation in our shared journey. 

The writer is former Fellow, IIAS, Shimla, HP. Currently in Bengaluru (Karnataka). [email protected]

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