Today: Jun 16, 2024

Omar Abdullah addresses massive election rally in DH Pora

1 min read

Asks people to counter conspiracies with their votes on May 25

Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Thursday vowed to continue with the peaceful and democratic struggle for the restoration of abridged rights of the people of J&K.

This he, according to the NC spokesperson, said while addressing a massive election rally in DH Pora, Kulgam. The meeting was organised by State Secretary and In Charge DH Pora Sakina Itoo. In his address, Omar questioned how parties which are associated with the BJP can protect the unique character of Jammu and Kashmir.

“PDP brought the BJP here in 2015 but after that, the people here got nothing but frustration, hardship, fear, oppression, uncertainty and disrespect. Today, the doors of employment are closed for our youth, our land is being taken away through various pretexts, no one dares to speak the truth, freedom of expression is restricted, and the youth are being picked up from here and locked up in the prisons of foreign states. And these PDP people are talking about fighting for the rights of the people here today and are adopting new tactics to mislead and divide the people.”

Party candidate Mian Altaf Ahmad Larvi also addressed the rally.

Among others, party Treasurer Shammi Oberoi, Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani, Chief Spokesman Tanvir Sadiq, MP Anantnag Hasnain Masoodi, State Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar and others were present on the occasion.

Earlier Omar Abdullah was accorded a grand welcome by the people of Noorabad. Omar was taken to the meeting venue in a procession.

Urging the public to reject anti-Kashmir forces, recalling the historical struggle led by his grandfather, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Omar said, “We have started a peaceful and democratic struggle for the restoration of our democratic rights, just as Sheikh Sahib did. We were once sold like cattle, but Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah fought for our freedom. Today, we face economic and political slavery again, and it is the duty of every conscious citizen to protect our historical state.”

Referring to the concerted efforts by various entities, including BJP and agencies from New Delhi and Nagpur, to allegedly weaken the National Conference, Omar urged voters to counter these conspiracies with their votes on May 25 as their counterparts did in North and central Kashmir areas.“We are fighting for the entire nation, advocating for the release of all prisoners held in jails outside J&K. When the National Conference Government is formed in September, we will prioritize their release,” he pledged.

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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