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Reform of School Text Books

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With the directions of HC to reduce the ‘burden of textbooks’ on the students at the level of elementary education, the NCERT Proposed the (NCF) National curriculum Framework 2005 and has launched the books based on the new syllabi. The teaching method proposed by the NCERT is the so- called child centred approach, where the children in a class will learn themselves from the play-things.

The role of the teacher there will be merely that of ‘class room manager’. As regards the methods of teaching and learning, the NCERT has introduced the highly superficial ‘functional approach’ which establishes that in learning languages, there is no need to attain perfection through rigorous learning of grammar – translation etc. Students must learn the language to use it mostly through conversation! As regards mathematics, students should learn how to apply the mathematical formula, proofs are not required. Furthermore, the so- called ‘market relevance’ of a subject or some topic is considered the yardstick for overhauling of the educational syllabi. It has been observed that always, with the policy makers have discouraged the study of basic science and mathematics and literature and make it merely information oriented andvocationalized.

It is essential that the students acquire an understanding a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good. Overemphasis on the competitive system and premature specialisation on the ground of immediate usefulness kill the spirit on which all cultural life depends, specialised knowledge included” (ideas and Opinions).

In the mathematics course, whatever might be the argument regarding imaginative studies, the approach to teaching is to let the students learn only the numerical application of the formulas and proof is not required.

It is believed that the school education should serve as the common core component of learning, where all students should study the same syllabi. Therefore, instead of market relevance or speciality, at this stage thorough learning of two or three languages, mathematics, history, geography, physical and life sciences etc is much more required, with due importance, in order to develop analytical skills, understanding of the social and political problems and comprehensive development of a student.

To introduce business mathematics or mathematics for science and technology, instead of general mathematics at the school level is a must. In all the four familiar areas of the school curriculum i.elanguage, mathematics, science and social sciences, significant changes are recommended with a view to making education more relevant to the present day and future needs.With this argument, subjects like history and geography, which are vital in developing social consciousness of the students may be abolished completely.

In the mathematics course, whatever might be the argument regarding imaginative studies, the approach to teaching is to let the students learn only the numerical application of the formulas and proof is not required. Apart from that due to the formulas on yes/no answer type or multiple-choice questions make the entire studies merely information oriented and impairs the process of development of analytical skills and faculty of reasoning of the students.

The author is Environmental Science Lecturer.


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