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Today: Jun 06, 2024

An Ontology Based Metaphysics

2 mins read

One who is educated as an architect or is an architect of education or is an architectural historian must be acquainted with the processes of metaphysics and the knowledge meta processes, in addition to the dynamic processes of heuristics, because if we have to turn the tables ultimately through deontology this processes would and should be the first precept. Thence we must lay the plinth and the foundation for the doctrinaire so that our social order will be visible from a long distance because our principles are clear cut and based on differentiated ontologies. To all that is, when it applies to all that is, it is called as metaphysics, the foundation of all possible things, the first philosophy.

The current discursive approach aims to facilitate structured and critical examination dialogs on information objects including texts, animations, information and design and thereby to promote cognitive inputs and expertise from diverse perspectives. Thence it is logical to integrate a set of core issues associated with information and with discursive concepts from a posited theory in order to provide the basis that reflective communications on these issues take place in a systematic way. The issues range from how to communicate comprehensible, relevant, and valid information and to how to accommodate diverse ethical values. As particular sets of values and norms get internalised, we come to notice that technology is not a fail.

As a matter of fact, we must avail an open opportunity structure hypothesis and the open ended set on the philosophy of joint critical discourse. Thence in this vein and in this context the relationship of social theory with the postulates of the utilitarianism and the deontology in whole is of immense value. The matter and material of the utilitarian doctrines and formulations caters to the apt philosophies of law and morals which can be disseminated and generalized through the values which are as diverse as there are forms and lineaments.

The view that whenever one faces a choice of actions, one should attempt to determine which act of those available deontologies would most promote the good of heuristics, and the relevant scientific artefacts and notions. The fact is that when one is behaving as a subjective consequentialist; the methodology requires him to behave in that context and not only that, the natural extent of the well being of the person unfolds him to follow a distinctively consequentialist mode of decision making, consciously aiming at the promotion of the overall good and conscientiously using the best available information with the greatest possible rigor.

Thence our scores are impacted by the nature directly, from its diverse pockets and panacea. The properties that accrue to our will move us beyond certain limited sphere and there is no littleness in this as the mashup of our cohesive attributes lies in the adoption of the different hierarchial values. Thence we can share each other’s values and characterizations which are bearers of value, if they fall within the target space as outlined by the foundation of the first principles and if they are consistent with the secular ideals and the pluralistic levels of integrity. The abstract of the constructs can lie in different concepts and at the hierarchical level of micro and macro specifications and the designed artefacts, in addition to the knowledge and meta knowledge processes.

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