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The Profound Lessons of Islamic Festivals

The Profound Lessons of Islamic Festivals

By: Aubaid Ahmad Akhoon With the embrace of Islamic festivals, profound lessons await those who seek them. From the stories of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Zakariya, we learn the power of unwavering faith and patient supplication. But let us remember, our worth transcends parenthood. Our true wealth lies in the goodness we sow and as […]


India, USA ushers in an era of technology driven Equal collaboration

India, USA ushers in an era of technology driven Equal collaboration

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s just concluded visit to the USA has instantly gone down in the history as it establishes India as a major global player in the years to come. While India and the USA usher in an era of technology driven equal collaboration, it marks the beginning of a journey of which, as […]

 Dr.Shiben Krishen Raina

Pushkar Bhan: The Maestro of Satirical Brilliance

Pushkar Bhan: The Maestro of Satirical Brilliance

Pushkar Bhan, the maestro of Kashmiri humor and satire, was a renowned playwright, dramatist, and theater personality. With his unique blend of satire sprawled in his ever-best literary creations, Bhan Sahib’s legacy will be cherished for years to come. His Machama Series resonated deeply with the hearts of those who listened to his plays on […]


Chosing political sciences over natural sciences

Chosing political sciences over natural sciences

By: Shahid Farooq When it comes to choosing an academic path, there are countless options available, each with its own allure and potential for personal and professional growth. Some individuals are moved to the intricacies of the natural world, while others find their passion in understanding and shaping the complex dynamics and nuances of human […]

 Dr.Shiben Krishen Raina

Amin Kamil: A Prolific Writer, poet

Amin Kamil: A Prolific Writer, poet

Amin Kamil, the renowned Kashmiri literary figure, was a beloved author, and I had the privilege of being acquainted with his work. Born on 3rd August 1924, he passed away on 30th October 2014, leaving behind a legacy of literary brilliance. Amin Kamil was not only a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award but also […]


26th June: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

26th June: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

By: Dr. Reyaz Ahmad Ganaie International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a […]


Reconsidering the ‘Draft Amendment’ for Range Officer Recruitment Policy

Reconsidering the ‘Draft Amendment’ for Range Officer Recruitment Policy

Any amendment seeking to change the eligibility criteria would not only be detrimental to the future of forestry students but also undermine the entire framework of forestry education

By: Jauhar Rafeeq The ongoing agitation led by forestry students in Jammu and Kashmir, protesting against the proposed changes in the eligibility criteria for Range Officer positions in the state forest department, highlights the urgent need to revisit the draft amendment of the recruitment policy. This demand aligns with the existing provisions in many states […]


Unveiling the Path to Academic Achievement

Unveiling the Path to Academic Achievement

By: Arshid Qalmi Academic success is a subject of great interest and importance in society, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals’ lives and future opportunities. While the concept of academic success may vary across cultures and educational systems, there is a wealth of research that sheds light on the factors contributing to […]


Hajj: A message of Peace, Equality and Unity

Hajj: A message of Peace, Equality and Unity

By: Umer Riyaz Hajj or the Muslim Pilgrimage, is the last among the five main acts of worship, which Islam enjoins upon its followers afterShahada, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The word Hajj means to make a resolve to visit a holy place: Visiting the Ka’ba in Makkah is therefore called Hajj. This journey involves repenting […]

 Asad Mirza

Partygate Crashes Johnson’s Political Career

Partygate Crashes Johnson’s Political Career

 Boris Johnsons’ sudden resignation as an MP has resulted in a crisis both for the Conservative Party and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, but the ultimate winner from the resulting chaos might be Johnson himself.

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson stepped down last week as a Tory MP after claiming he was “forced out of Parliament” over Partygate. In an explosive and lengthy statement, he called the Commons Privileges Committee investigating if he misled the Commons over Downing Street lockdown parties, a “kangaroo court” whose purpose “has been to […]

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