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Today: Jun 12, 2024


Greeks in Kashmir 

By: Syed Rooh Fatima Archaeology is not so much allied with inventions rather it is more concerned about discovering historical evidences in different forms including artifacts, painting, ruins and even quantitative data,
3 years ago

Preserving the cultural identity

Kashmiris are a peace loving nation which has got a documented   history of about 6000 years. Archeologists and historians who carry out the study of Kashmir history and culture claim that people
5 years ago

Forgotten springs

Since most of the ancient village springs of Kashmir valley are in utter neglect and at many places supplying polluted water to the villagers, neither the people nor the state authorities are
5 years ago

Is Mughal road really a dangerous one!

No doubt travels can be exciting, stimulating, thrilling and breathtaking.  And discovering new places, meeting new people and experiencing new   locations often requires an effort to break out of your comfort zone,
5 years ago

Forgotten Empires of Kashmir!

There are several glorious empires which Kashmir history has witnessed and recorded in its annals, but the current collective memory of the people seems to have forgotten a large part of it.
5 years ago

Evidences of Grecio-Buddhist art in Kashmir

DURING the occupation of Greeks in North-Western regions of India and Kashmir, a famous school of Grecio-Buddhist art got patronized. This school was initially established by Bactrian-Greeks at Gandhara- modern day Khandhar
5 years ago
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