
Guy Gunaratne’s novel shows that not just London, the world is Mad and Furious right now

Guy Gunaratne’s novel shows that not just London, the world is Mad and Furious right now

This debut novel, about race and rift, is on the Booker longlist for 2018

By: Nayantara Mazumder London, according to one of the narrators of In Our Mad and Furious City, “taints its young”. The author of this debut novel, Guy Gunaratne, imagines a city in which war cries by racists and fascists after an off-duty, white soldier is murdered by a black, Muslim youth have spread like wildfire […]


How old are our emotions?

How old are our emotions?

A professor of neuroscience traces them within the context of life and evolution

By: Deeptanil Ray Where do feelings originate in life? Or, if the question can be rephrased: why do feelings happen, or seem to happen, in the inner mental worlds of humans and other creatures, especially when we are not looking for them? Do bacteria “feel”? For ancient Stoics like Chrysippus, as well as for the […]




A society that respects and protects basic, civil, political, and cultural rights is needed to also promote mental health.

By: Dr. Tasaduk Hussain Itoo Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his/ her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. World Mental Health Day established by World Federation for Mental Health […]


Stories from across the border

Stories from across the border

Review …

By: Jatin Desai Sarvat Hasin’s second book You Can’t Go Home Again is unique in many ways. She was born in London and grew up in Karachi. Through seven short interlinked stories she narrates in detail the lives of a group of teenagers of Karachi. Through them, she talks about the lives and aspirations of […]


Revisiting career advancement of school teachers

Revisiting career advancement of school teachers

By: Rayees Masroor All professions offer their recruits the opportunity of pursuing a career, in the sense that individuals can be promoted through a clearly delineated promotions hierarchy. This aspect of career is referred to as ‘vertical mobility dimension’. Promotion is regarded as the passage to a higher rank and is one of the ways […]

 Dr. Shahid Amin Trali

Challenges Help Us Learn and Grow!

Challenges Help Us Learn and Grow!

We shouldn’t place unnecessary expectations as it will lead us to a state of worry. Try to make things simple as much as possible. We have the same 24 hours in the day as everyone else does. Successful people make their time count and hardly give any space to negativity in mind. It is our negative thinking that leads to depression. Negative thinking is a terrible addiction, and directly proportional for every other addiction to human beings.

Life is always full of challenges. Successful people follow their heart and allow their passion—not the body they’re living in—to be their guide. “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I […]


Write Beautiful!

Write Beautiful!

BY: Shujaat Hussain Rather The coming into being of the authorship makes up the world of notion—a senseful being. Those aspire to have it can fangle a new world. The core of the authorship has got to set up that tasty hunky-dory line. It splashes across souls everywhere. The more you bend to the goal […]


Stories from across the border

Stories from across the border

By: Jatin Desai Sarvat Hasin’s second book You Can’t Go Home Again is unique in many ways. She was born in London and grew up in Karachi. Through seven short interlinked stories she narrates in detail the lives of a group of teenagers of Karachi. Through them, she talks about the lives and aspirations of […]


Where has the neighbourhood GP gone?

Where has the neighbourhood GP gone?

The general practitioner has become endangered. Is that the reason for countrywide medical bedlam?

By: Upala Sen He was what they called in those days a “lampha” doctor. We are talking about Bengal of the late 1800s. The appellation lampha derived from Dr Sachindranath Sen’s LMF degree — he had passed the Licentiate Examination of the Medical Faculty from Calcutta’s Campbell Medical School. Lampha was also a reference to […]

 Ufaq Fatima

Vox Populi: Where are the women voices?

Vox Populi: Where are the women voices?

The role of women in the modern day society is unquestionable. The very idea of progress, development, equality and collective wellbeing is incomplete without women being an equal partner to their male counterparts in all respects. True that woman have come a long way and stepped out from the roles in the households to more […]

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