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Today: Jun 12, 2024


4 years ago

The Flood- part  III

“Aba Jan, how are you”, Basharat asked. There was no response, it seemed that his body had lost all its energy and now he was just a corpse waiting for that final
4 years ago

The Flood part  II

With two backpacks fully loaded with God knows what, he came out and stood before me. He dropped his load and I shouldered one. My imaginations were caught in the wild shock
4 years ago

The Flood – I

The Jhelum and Dal Lake had finally found a common course to cart off whatever was left on the banks and areas in vicinage. Roads and subways had long been inundated, leaving


Drooped neck coiled behind the iron bars, Danish was down like an inert stack. His limbs like his bald head were portraying nothing__Nothing momentous.  A monotonous look of his bald head held
5 years ago

Burdened Shoulders

The morning sun invited one and all, for its face was slowly pushing the long veils of mist beyond the mountain tops. The appeal of the vast Blue was afar to be
5 years ago

Gold Bangle

Proficiently my subsistence drew closer both rundown and lavish clientele. I dole out for all to meet the requirements of the human race. From the golden hands of the artists to the
5 years ago

Pitiable Judgment

“The moon is decked up with the silver dust to cover the coarseness to turn its surface into a couch for saints”, announced Rehman Khan “What about the stars”, I simple asked.
5 years ago

Mystery of The Blue Roses

Book Review Fantasy fiction dovetails with authors nascent thought process is often inspired by myths and folklores. Myths aided with fantasy attentiveness have been serving the world of literature from Greek and
5 years ago


In that decent pretence in comity, he offered her a mug of coffee. Her tacit finesse by some reason in good-will her hand reached for the mug. Nothing, surely nothing like verbal
5 years ago

A novel way

The old and cracked coffee mug in my kitchen once again winked at me. I ignored. Once, twice but third time the wink was romantic in texture. How long one can pay
5 years ago

Under the bough of cherries

Our cherry trees are green, we are confined to their crimson rush carrying our blood cells to newer curves, changing entire hormonal heterogeneity, tantalizing the blossom to reach our backyards, luring our
5 years ago

Alchemy of Wisdom

What catch the attention of a lover to turn the pages of Sufi writings is that the prosperity of thought put forth with delicate know-how and observation through awe-inspiring insight.  A spiritual
5 years ago
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