‘Kintsugi and Ikigai’- How Japanese art forms can help heal depression in Kashmir

‘Kintsugi and Ikigai’- How Japanese art forms can help heal depression in Kashmir

By: Nasir Dar I recently went to watch Shahrukh Khan’s blockbuster movie Pathaan. The movie had SRK as a protagonist and his boss mentioned a Japanese term “Kintsugi”. This term caught my attention and I found that this can be a significant art to overcome the never-ending despair which is prevailing among the youth of […]


The ever-shining abode of faith- Narparistan

The ever-shining abode of faith- Narparistan

By: Prof. Bashir Ahmad Dar The auspicious arrival of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani (R.A) heralded a new era in the history of Kashmir. Almost every sphere of the society had its impact felt as the immigrants who accompanied the great missionary settled in the state. The traditional account puts the number of people as seven […]


Indian Coal Sector Ensuring Environment Carethrough sustainable mining

Indian Coal Sector Ensuring Environment Carethrough sustainable mining

By: Bhabani Prasad Pati Coal and lignite PSUs under the aegis of the Ministry of Coal are not only meeting the fast-escalating energy needs of the nation but also taking several measures for environmental conservation in the coal mining areas. Some notable environmental conservation success stories include the profitable use of surplus mine water for […]


Shab-e-Miraj -Miraculous Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Shab-e-Miraj -Miraculous Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

By: M Ahmad Shab-e-Miraj or Isra Night observed in the Holy Month of Rajab by Muslims all over the world. According to Arabic dictionary, Isra means travelling at night or walking at night, and Miraj means rising and going up.  Every year on the night of 26th of Rajab according to the Islamic calendar, Muslims […]


UAE-India CEPA: A year of remarkable progress

UAE-India CEPA: A year of remarkable progress

Why closer ties between India and the United Arab Emirates will continue to create opportunity and boost prosperity.

By: Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Mr. Piyush Goyal Exactly one year ago today, on February 18, 2022, the United Arab Emirates and India embarked on an exciting new chapter in our long and fruitful relationship. On that Friday evening in New Delhi, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed, President of the United Arab […]


‘Tuesdays with Morrie’- a heart-warming and thought-provoking memoir

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’- a heart-warming and thought-provoking memoir

Book Review By: Asif Rashid “The Premise: ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ by Mitch Album is a heart-warming and thought-provoking memoir of a young man’s journey to rediscover life’s true meaning through his conversations with his former sociology professor, ‘Morrie Schwartz’. He is not an ordinary professor who teaches some random academic subjects as the other professors […]


Towards earthquake resistant architecture worldwide

Towards earthquake resistant architecture worldwide

Lessons from Turkey-Syria Earthquake

By: M Ahmad Safety of life and property was not considered to be a matter of public concern in ancient times, when accidents were regarded as inevitable or as the will of the God. Modern notions of safety developed only in the 19th century as an outgrowth of the Industrial Revolution, when a terrible toll […]


G-20 Energy Working Group : Key Takeaways

G-20 Energy Working Group : Key Takeaways

By: Alok Kumar The 1st Energy Transitions Working Group Meeting concluded successfully in Bengaluru. Over 110 delegates representing 18 member countries, 9 special invitee guest countries and 15 international Organizations participated in the first Meeting. The India Presidency showcased its achievements in Energy Transitions and its success in providing universal energy access to clean energy […]


Salal Lithium – The Battery of Indian Economy

Salal Lithium – The Battery of Indian Economy

Lithium Deposits of Salal-Haimana is a Jackpot for Indian Economy and the Future of Jammu and Kashmir

When your cars need juice lithium is the thing to use. The days of petrol and diesel cars are numbered. In a decade or so their sale will be minimised and might be banned as of 2035-40 in most of the metropolitan cities as the lithium has the power to offer this change and electric […]




Nature and Methodology of Economics

By: Abbas Ali “Economics is the name of the particular part of human knowledge, the theme of which is wealth. Moreover, it aims at finding out the principles, the causes, and the methodology of production, distribution, exchange, and the uses of wealth. Therefore, the economics student ought not to mix his research and investigation with […]

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