Empowering Summer Activities for CWSN

Empowering Summer Activities for CWSN

By: Amit Singh Kushwaha Summer holidays provide an excellent opportunity for children to take a break from their regular school routine and engage in fun and enriching activities. For children with special needs, these holidays are a time to explore new experiences, develop skills, and socialize with others. In India, there are various summer activities […]


Khudi: Unlocking Your True Potential

Khudi: Unlocking Your True Potential

Khudi is an ocean which has no limit, Nothing can be done if you take it as a stream Your life and your dignity is due to Khudi You are a king if you retain it, or else you are dammed If it is priceless, it is only because Khudi is protected There is nothing […]


Healthy Teeth and a Happy Smile!

Healthy Teeth and a Happy Smile!

A smile is the curve that sets everything straight, but healthy teeth are what keeps it shining bright.

Tooth pain can be a debilitating experience, and unfortunately, I have been suffering from it for the past week. Despite taking prescribed medication, the pain still persists, and it has been difficult to enjoy social events and activities with family and friends. This has prompted me to write this article on tooth pain causes and […]


Inclusive Support for CWSN: Positive Attitudes and Effective Management

Inclusive Support for CWSN: Positive Attitudes and Effective Management

By: Amit Singh Kushwaha In Indian society, inclusion and support for children with special needs (CWSN) is an essential aspect of promoting a compassionate and inclusive society. Individual and community attitudes toward children with special needs play a critical role in their overall well-being and development. This article aims to examine the prevailing attitudes toward […]


Appreciating,navigating Technology

Appreciating,navigating Technology

‘Technology is a double-edged sword- it can be a powerful tool for progress or a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.’

By: Aubaid Ahmad Akhoon 11th May is celebrated as ‘Technology Day’ worldwide to appreciate the advancements that have taken place in the field of technology. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of technology to our lives and to recognize the merits and demerits that come with it. In today’s world, technology has become […]


Childhood Memories: Enduring Impression

Childhood Memories: Enduring Impression

Childhood memories are often vivid and long-lasting

By: Arshid Qalmi Childhood is a unique period in one’s life that is marked by rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Memories of our childhood are often filled with wonder, curiosity, and joy. These memories stay with us throughout our lives and shape our personality, values, and beliefs. Childhood memories are often vivid and long-lasting. […]


Mother: The epitome of unconditional love

Mother: The epitome of unconditional love

By: Arshid Qalmi Motherhood is often referred to as the epitome of unconditional love. The bond between a mother and her child is considered one of the strongest and most enduring relationships in human experience. While the concept of motherhood is universal, the way it is expressed and experienced may vary across cultures and time […]


‘The Mother’- sweetest person on earth

‘The Mother’- sweetest person on earth

On Mother’s Day

The best medicine in the world is a mother’s hug By: M Ahmad Every society is made up of blocks of family units. The stronger each block is, the stronger the structure of the society. Families are thus the building blocks upon which rest the fate of society. For the development of good families, the […]


Revolutionising non-invasive technology

Revolutionising non-invasive technology

Radiosurgery still vastly underutilized in India

By: Dr Aditya Gupta Radiosurgery is a non-invasive, high-precision medical procedure that uses a focused beam of radiation to treat tumors and other medical conditions. It is an advanced and very special form of radiation therapy that delivers high doses of radiation with extreme accuracy to a small volume targeted area. Radiosurgery is used to […]


Impact of G20 Summit on local communities in Kashmir 

Impact of G20 Summit on local communities in Kashmir 

By: Irfan Attari Kashmiri The G20 Summit is a significant international event that brings together the leaders of some of the world’s largest economies to discuss and address issues of global significance. This year’s theme of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ underscores the need for concerted action on global issues that impact the world’s […]

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