Learn from Ramazan

Learn from Ramazan

The amount and extent of institutionalized corruption in Jammu and Kashmir quite reasonably justifies its position among top in the list of most-corrupt states. Not a single day here passes without some officials (almost always only the proverbial small fry) landing in the anti-corruption agencies’ dragnets, though it very rarely happens that the ones held […]


World Environment Day

World Environment Day

Like elsewhere in the world, other day World Environment Day was celebrated here in the Valley as well. And as happens on such occasions, dozens of functions were held here and there, and in these functions people  and the government functionaries renewed their pledge to work for the saving the environment  and ecology from further […]


Tackling corruption

Tackling corruption

That rampant corruption is the main cause of concern and major irritant for the common masses here is known to all. But thus far besides the verbal assurances about ridding the state of the dangerous menace, successive governments have done precious little to tackle corruption. This is indeed why Jammu and Kashmir has maintained the […]


Faulty spending

Faulty spending

It goes without saying that the successive state governments in Jammu and Kashmir have been face to face with a severe social and economic decline here. In post-2002 Jammu and Kashmir, the state governments have remained very vocal about bringing peace through development and this line of action has been shared, endorsed and supported by […]


Kick out sacred cows

Kick out sacred cows

“When people cannot adequately speak or write their language, there arise strong men to speak it for them – and at them.” When linguist Wendell Johnson said this, he was referring to the importance of learning one’s native language or mother-tongue. However, if this saying is seen through political lenses, it very may also explain […]


Understand people’s mood

Understand people’s mood

Kashmir has all along been a major destabilizing factor in the bilateral relations between India and Pakistan, as well as between New Delhi and Srinagar. Even as the history has ample insights to explain the causes of Kashmir turmoil, one can overlook remote historical events, for the origin and repercussions of the armed insurgency are […]


Basic wisdom

Basic wisdom

Sitting by a campfire listening to a song of Bushmen somewhere deep in the Kalahari Desert, an American Anthropologist William Ury thought he recognized a word or two… When the lyrics were translated to him, it turned out that the song was: “Mama, please buy me an Appollo Eleven…” Far from the urban civilization, these […]


Deserve first, then desire

Deserve first, then desire

Notwithstanding that Kashmir has a huge potential as far as tourism is concerned and if harnessed properly this sector could certainly change the economic profile of the entire state, however, it is also a reality that tourism cannot sustain itself as long as political turmoil continues here. So if the government is really interested in […]


‘Achhe Din…’

‘Achhe Din…’

Looking at the failures and follies of past is always a cause and source of regret and hopelessness, but if there is resolve to get over with past mistakes and make best of the new opportunities – then there really are many reasons for hope and optimism as well. Indeed if one goes on philosophizing […]


Please restore our roads

Please restore our roads

People of Kashmir should seriously start thinking about not paying the road tax. The reason is simple: government does not deserve it. Instead it is the government which should actually be paying people for the damages suffered by their vehicles while moving on the broken roads here. Such is the condition of the roads and […]

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