Agitation politics

Agitation politics

Protesting against any genuine issue is ok, but it must be said that nobody is allowed to agitate and protest lack of certain rights and liberties of some people by undermining the rights and snatching away the liberties of some other people. One has to draw a line between what constitutes a protest and what […]


Tackling corruption

Tackling corruption

That rampant corruption is the main cause of concern and major irritant for the common masses here is known to all. But thus far besides the verbal assurances about ridding the state of the dangerous menace, successive governments have done precious little to tackle corruption. This is indeed why Jammu and Kashmir has maintained the […]


Mismanaged forest wealth

Mismanaged forest wealth

That there is wanton loot and plunder of the state’s forest wealth is common knowledge – so much so that every inhabitant of this God-forsaken lad is aware of it. It would be only wondrous to believe that those heading the Forest department are unaware. Indeed they are the ones who know it better than […]


Medical Mafia

Medical Mafia

Kashmir is really a gold mine, and everybody is busy milking the society and its systems to the best possible advantage and that too without any hassles. Although like elsewhere laws are here as well, but unlike anywhere else, nobody bothers to heed these laws as there is no mechanism for their implementation as well. […]


The ban that was…

The ban that was…

Polythene is a blessing if used carefully but once handled carelessly it turns into an enormous environmental menace as well as a health hazard which will remain shooting its ill-effects for pretty long time. Governments all-over the world have devised laws and regulations to control the use and even reuse of polythene. Developed countries have […]


Look inwards

Look inwards

In an overly politicized atmosphere here ordinary Kashmiris have been given to believe that ‘they are the best’ in terms of talent, competence, and almost everything else. Without going into the specifics, the statement itself is finding increasing resonance both in public as well as private discourse. Beginning from the natural beauty of the place […]


Kick out sacred cows

Kick out sacred cows

“When people cannot adequately speak or write their language, there arise strong men to speak it for them – and at them.” When linguist Wendell Johnson said this, he was referring to the importance of learning one’s native language or mother-tongue. However, if this saying is seen through political lenses, it very may also explain […]


Tame them now

Tame them now

Since the massive floods of September 2014, Kashmir Valley has been facing constant threat of a similar deluge. Each time it rains here for a few days, the rivers and streams throughout the Valley swell up like never before. And there certainly are reasons for it –the scientific ones – but the problem here is […]


It’s disappointing!

It’s disappointing!

Blame it on bad and unresponsive governance, the exercise of power and authority has all along been very problematic here. Needless to say that in an overly politicized situation wherein huge multitude of visible and invisible forces are vying for and manipulating the sources and agencies of power and authority, popular perceptions and understandings of […]


Put money where mouth is

Put money where mouth is

For quite some time now people here are being bombarded with huge financial figures. A standard catch-line accompanying these whooping sums informs them that this money is and will be used for their betterment, progress and development. Although there is nothing unique about such pronouncements, however, what is new is the increased resonance of financial […]

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