Today: Jul 04, 2024

Menace of beggary 

1 min read

Kashmir Valley, particularly the major towns and tourist resorts are witnessing an unprecedented surge in the problem of beggary. Though a social evil, but here in the Valley the mendicancy has been flourishing with more and more people including small children joining the ranks of beggars to swell their number to teasing levels. There is hardly any nook or corner where there can be found no stretching hands begging for anything. Although beggars were always present here but their numbers would make them insignificant to the extent that beggary was hardly noticeable. But since past several years the problem has aggravated so much so that it seems that the Valley has become practically a paradise for begging hands. 

People from other states too have come here to start business out of begging. There are many people who leave some handicapped persons at different places in the cities and towns with a bowl and collect the money in the evening. There are numerous boys and girls who also have been addicted to mendicancy. They have become so unabashed that they will not hesitate to insult a respected citizen even on slightest pretext of receiving few bucks than expected. People are now seen shirking and avoiding these mendicants by routing their way. 

Of late, the beggars have made the tourist resorts as their favourite destinations. With number of tourists visiting Kashmir soaring with every passing day, these beggars find it more profitable to camp there than on other stations. The very presence of these at these resorts creates a lot of trouble for visitors who are here to enjoy the beauty of the place but instead face constant nagging by these elements. A large number of the beggars here is from outside the state which compounds the problem manifold as it creates social problems as well. The hutments where these mendicants reside become hotspots of drug trafficking and abuse. 

And even after watching all this government seems helpless to address the problem firmly so that the menace is eradicated once for all. The administration needs to strengthening social safety nets and implement targeted programs to support the economically disadvantaged and also implement stricter enforcement of laws against exploitation and trafficking of beggars, coupled with measures to rehabilitate and reintegrate beggars into society.

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