Today: Jun 29, 2024

NC’s Sameer Kaul alleges manhandling by traffic cops in Srinagar, police deny

PDP, CPI(M) condemn the incident; NC demands probe
2 mins read

Srinagar: National Conference (NC) leader Sameer Kaul on Tuesday alleged he was manhandled by traffic policemen here, a charge denied by the police which said he violated the law and “assaulted” cops.

Kaul, a noted cancer specialist, said the incident took place on the Boulevard Road while he was on his way from his residence in the Nishat area in the outskirts of the city here towards the airport.

“It is really unfortunate what happened. I have never seen this power drunkenness that I saw on the roads today,” Kaul said.

However, the traffic police said Kaul was involved in a security breach, violated the law and entered into a verbal altercation with a traffic officer on duty and “assaulted them”.

The doctor-politician said he was on his way to the airport, but the traffic was stopped as the cavalcade of the Lieutenant Governor was to pass.

“I was directed to take an alternate road which I did, but then, I was turned back from that road too and a police team told me to take the same route from which I had come.

“So, I turned back, but a group of traffic policemen, led by an inspector, attacked me without saying anything. They showered abuses on me, rained blows on me without listening to me,” he added.

Kaul said he was shocked at being “manhandled” by the policemen.

“I received injuries, broke my spectacle. I was shocked and it seems as if there is a government sanction to such acts. If someone does something wrong, tell him and fine him, there is nothing wrong in that. But, is this right? Is this where we have reached in Kashmir today?” he said.

The NC leader said the physical pain does not bother him, “but I am humiliated by this deliberate hurt”.

“If this could happen to me who has given so much to society, what would happen to a common man?” he said, adding he believes it was a “premeditated attack” as he works for the NC.

Kaul said he has filed a police complaint at the Nishat police station and the medical examination was done.

“Now, I only want the LG to understand that you cannot deal with your people like this. This cavalcade system must stop,” he said. “You cannot hold the people of the state to ransom like that. How long will it go on like this?”

The National Conference has called for a swift and fair investigation to address the “misconduct”.

“The highhanded behaviour exhibited by the police officers is both tragic and unacceptable. Such actions are unbecoming of public servants. A swift and fair investigation is imperative to address this misconduct,” the NC said on X.

PDP president and former chief minister of the erstwhile state of J&K Mehbooba Mufti said the incident shows the “plight of ordinary Kashmiris and the high handedness” of officials.

“Dr Sameer Kaul, a renowned oncologist suffered injuries after being manhandled by traffic police in Srinagar today. This shows the plight of ordinary Kashmiris & the high handedness they face from officials who are expected to uphold the rule of law,” she said on X.

Senior CPI(M) leader M Y Tarigami condemned the alleged assault.

“Strongly condemning the assault on prominent oncologist and NC leader Dr.  Sameer Koul @samkaul. It has become a standard practice of police to stop commuters for hours to allow the cavalcade of VVIPs to pass. Such a practice is highly unwarranted and unacceptable,” Tarigami said.

Meanwhile, the traffic police said Kaul was involved in a security breach, violated the law and entered into a verbal altercation with traffic police officer on duty and “assaulted them”.

“Today, while the movement of the Hon’ble LG (z+ protectee) was going on a Maruti Alto vehicle wrongfully entered in wrong tube near foreshore road Nishat. The vehicle was stopped by officer on duty,” Traffic Police Srinagar said on X.

“When the DTI initiated the process for challaning the wrongful conduct for violation of law, the occupant of the vehicle entered in verbal altercation with Traffic police officer on duty and assaulted them. The occupant of vehicle who violated the law was identified as Dr Sameer Koul,” the traffic police said.

It said the J&K police is resolved to provide high standard VVIP protection to all its protectees and “zero-tolerance policy for any kind of security breach”.

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