Today: Jun 30, 2024

Encounter breaks out in Gandoh Doda

1 min read
Srinagar : A Gunfight has started between Terrorists and security forces in Gandoh area of Doda district in Jammu division on Wednesday.
A top police officer told Srinagar based news agency Kashmir scroll that a joint team of Police and Army launched a cordon and search operation in Gandoh
As the joint team of forces approached towards the suspected spot, the hiding Terrorists fired upon the forces, triggering off a gunfight, the officer said.
Meanwhile a top police officer also confirmed Kashmir Scroll about the exchange of firing between Terrorists and security forces.

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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