Today: Jun 29, 2024

The Silent Struggle: Battling Drug Addiction in Kashmir

2 mins read

By: Mehvish Shakeel and Hena Mehraj

Drug addiction has become a pressing issue in Kashmir, casting a dark shadow over its serene landscapes and affecting countless lives. Our recent internship at the Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Kashmir (IMHANS-K), offered a firsthand look into the devastating impacts of substance abuse on individuals and their families.

One particular case remains etched in our memory, highlighting the profound personal and social repercussions of addiction. This involved a young man who had become entangled in the vicious cycle of drug abuse. Despite the tireless efforts of his elderly parents, who provided unwavering care and support, his addiction had driven a wedge between them.

The young man’s addiction manifested not only in physical dependency but also in behavioral changes that included verbal abuse and even physical violence towards his mother.

This tragic scenario is reflective of a larger, growing crisis in Kashmir. Drug addiction in the region is driven by a confluence of factors, including unemployment, and easy access to drugs.

These factors create a fertile ground for substance abuse, particularly among the youth who often feel disenfranchised and hopeless about their futures.

The young man’s case at IMHANS-K is a stark reminder of the broader societal issues at play.

His parents, despite their advanced age and frailty, continued to care for him with a dedication that underscores the deeply ingrained values of family and compassion prevalent in Kashmiri culture.

However, their son’s addiction and subsequent behavior reveal the tragic irony of drug abuse: it distorts the addict’s perception of those closest to them, leading to a lack of appreciation and respect for their efforts and sacrifices.

The impact of drug addiction on families is profound. Parents of addicts often experience intense emotional and physical strain, exacerbated by societal stigma and a lack of adequate support systems. In many cases, the parents’ lives revolve around their addicted children, to the detriment of their own health and well-being. The abusive language and violent behavior exhibited by addicts, as seen in the young man at IMHANS-K, are not just

personal tragedies but also social concerns, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive support and intervention strategies.

Efforts to address drug addiction in Kashmir must be multi-faceted, involving medical treatment, psychological support, and robust community-based initiatives. Organizations like IMHANS-K play a critical role in providing the necessary medical and therapeutic interventions.

However, there is also a pressing need for public awareness campaigns to destigmatize addiction and promote understanding and compassion towards affected individuals and their families.

Furthermore, strengthening the social fabric through community support groups can offer much-needed solace and assistance to families dealing with addiction. These groups can provide a platform for sharing experiences, reducing feelings of isolation, and fostering a sense of solidarity among affected families.

In conclusion, our internship at IMHANS-K highlighted the severe impact of drug addiction in Kashmir, particularly on families. The case of the young man who abused his mother despite her care and love is a poignant illustration of the destructive power of addiction.

Addressing this issue requires a holistic approach that includes medical, psychological, and community-based support, as well as public education to reduce stigma and foster a more supportive environment for those affected by addiction. Only through concerted efforts can we hope to alleviate the burden of drug addiction and restore hope and dignity to those affected by this pervasive issue.

The writers are students of Clinical psychology

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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