Today: Jul 03, 2024

Drinking water crisis

1 min read

Kashmir, the Valley of rivers, streams, springs and lakes is facing shortage of drinking water as summer progresses. It is not for the first time, fact of the matter is that drinking water shortage during summers as a chronic problem that has been hitting Valley from past few decades. Though the problem earlier was confined to Srinagar and some other big towns, now it is Valley-wide.

Everyday there are reports of people protesting against the shortage of drinking water. In several rural areas taps are running dry forcing people to collect water from natural sources thus risking their health. Most of the water bodies have been polluted and it is not safe to drink water from these sources. Local streams, rivers and canals are not in a good condition. Most of these canals have been turned into garbage dumps. However, as the taps run dry, people are left with no option but to consume the water thus becoming prone to various waterborne diseases.

Though Jal Shakti Department has launched a massive programme of ‘HarGharNal’ to ensure water connection to every household but the point is that how the connection alone is going to help populace if there is no water supply. The frequent water shortages are creating severe problems for the people and that is why they are taking to streets every now and then with the intention to make the concerned authorities understand the gravity of the problem.

The concerned authorities are dutybound to listen to the people and address their grievances. They have to try to find out the reasons behind this chronic problem. There are reports that several water supply schemes are not functioning properly and it is because of that people suffer on the account of drinking water. The authorities should ensure that all water supply schemes function properly so that people get drinking water all through the year.

In certain areas people are complaining about the quality of the water that is supplied to them. Some filtration plants are not functioning properly and water from these plants may not be safe for drinking. Even in some areas water is lifted directly from natural sources and without any proper filtration supplied to the people thus putting their health to risk.

The authorities should act promptly, identify the loopholes and come up with solutions to address these problems. People deserve regular supply of safe drinking water and they should get it.

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