Today: Jun 28, 2024

Sacred Sacrifice: A Tale of Eid’s Embrace

1 min read
Dr.Reyaz Ahmad

In the realm of faith, a tale is told,

Of Eid, a celebration, so ancient and bold.

A story of Abraham, his love, and his test,

A lesson of sacrifice, at Allah’s behest.


Abraham, a prophet revered and wise,

Received a divine command from the skies.

To sacrifice his son, his heart’s delight,

A daunting trial, a test of his might.


With trembling hands and a heavy heart,

He shared the news, tearing them apart.

Young Ismail, his beloved, innocent, and pure,

Accepted the decree, steadfast and sure.


Together they journeyed, a solemn pair,

Bound by faith, a bond beyond compare.

Yet, the tender son, in his trusting voice,

Asked his father, longing for a choice.


“O father, what is the will of Allah?

In this moment of sacrifice, our souls are stirred.

But worry not, for I stand by your side,

For in Allah’s wisdom, we shall abide.”


Upon the mount, with trembling hands,

Abraham prepared for the divine commands.

His heart was heavy with love and profound pain,

Yet resolute, he placed the knife to restrain.


But in the heavens, Allah’s mercy revealed,

A ram provided; a life concealed.

For Abraham’s devotion, unwavering trust,

His beloved son was spared, in God’s absolute justice.


On this blessed Eid, we remember the story,

Of Abraham’s faith, his act of glory.

A reminder that sacrifices lie at our core,

To embrace compassion, to give and restore.


Let us offer ourselves, for others’ needs,

To accommodate hearts and plant gentle seeds.

For in sacrificing oneself, we find,

Unity and love are intertwined.


As we gather and share the joy on this holy day,

May we emulate Abraham’s resolute way.

To sacrifice for others, with compassion and grace,

Enriching lives, leaving a positive trace.


Eid Mubarak, a celebration so grand,

A testament of faith across the land.

May the spirit of sacrifice forever endure,

Guiding our actions, making us pure

The poet is member of Mathematics faculty at Skyline University College, Sharjah

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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