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Today: Jun 22, 2024

NEET 2024 Scam: A serious issue that needs attention

2 mins read

By: Ikkz Ikbal 

In an unprecedented turn of events, the NEET-UG exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on May 5, 2024, has left students and parents across India in a state of disbelief and outrage. With nearly 24 lakh candidates appearing at 4,750 centres nationwide, the stakes were higher than ever. The results, announced unexpectedly on June 4—Election Results Day, no less—instead of the previously scheduled June 14, have sparked a wave of controversy and allegations of malpractice.

A Perfect Score Pandemonium

In a jaw-dropping revelation, a staggering 67 students scored a perfect 720 marks (100 percent)—a feat unparalleled in NTA’s history. For context, between 2020 and 2023, only seven candidates managed to achieve full marks in NEET. This sudden surge in perfect scores, particularly from a single exam centre, has raised more than a few eyebrows.

At the epicentre of this storm is Hardayal Public School in Jhajjhar, Haryana. Shockingly, six students from this centre alone scored 720 out of 720. This anomaly begs the question: How can such a dramatic spike in perfect scores occur without raising suspicions of foul play?

The Fallout 

The repercussions of this debacle are profound. Students who dedicated years of relentless study and effort to secure a place in a prestigious medical college now find their dreams shattered. The emotional and financial toll on their families, who invested heavily in books and coaching, cannot be overstated. The sense of betrayal is palpable, as trust in the education system has been severely undermined.

In Hindi, there is a saying, “Daal Me Kuch Kaala Hai,” which translates to “There’s something fishy going on.” This sentiment resonates strongly with those affected, as allegations of corruption and negligence take centre stage. When people’s hopes and aspirations are trampled upon, anger is inevitable. Protests have erupted nationwide, and the call for accountability and justice grows louder by the day.

A Call for Transparency

The timing of the results announcement on Election Results Day has further fueled suspicions. It’s a day when the nation’s attention is typically diverted, raising questions about whether this was a strategic move to avoid scrutiny. The ranking system also appears dubious, with 67 students sharing the #1 spot, and subsequent ranks barely differentiated by a single mark.

Such anomalies have led to an outcry for transparency and fairness in the examination process. The NTA’s admission of a mistake in awarding grace marks and the offer of a re-exam adds to the chaos and confusion. This admission has done little to assuage the fears and frustrations of the aspirants and their families, who view it as a band-aid solution to a much deeper issue.

The Way Forward

This scandal has exposed glaring flaws in the education system, highlighting the need for rigorous reforms to ensure such a travesty is never repeated. The Supreme Court’s intervention is crucial in finding a fair resolution that restores faith in the examination process.

The current situation is nothing short of “Education Dalali”—a term that suggests exploitation and corruption within the education sector. The future of countless aspiring doctors hangs in the balance, casting a dark shadow over what should be a hopeful and promising journey towards their dreams.

In conclusion, the NEET-UG 2024 results fiasco has left an indelible mark on the Indian education system. The call for justice, transparency, and systemic overhaul rings loud and clear. As the nation watches, it is imperative that the authorities take decisive action to address these grievances and pave the way for a fair and trustworthy examination process.

A Glimmer of Hope

As we grapple with the fallout of this debacle, it’s essential to remember the resilience of our students. Their determination and hard work must not be in vain. While the current chaos casts a shadow, it also provides an opportunity for systemic change. With vigilant oversight, transparent practices, and unwavering commitment to fairness, we can rebuild trust in our education system. Let this be a wake-up call that drives us towards a more just and equitable future for all NEET aspirants.

 The writer is PG in Biotechnology and Administrator at Maryam Memorial Institute Pandithpora Qaziabad. He tweets @IkkzIkbal and can be reached at [email protected]


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