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Today: Jun 22, 2024

Bike ride and pillion killed in Pattan road accident

1 min read

Pattan: A road accident claimed the lives of a bike rider and his non-local pillion passenger on Saturday afternoon in the Tapper area of Pattan on the national highway in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district.

According to official sources, the accident occurred when a Tavera collided with the bike, resulting in critical injuries to both the rider and the passenger.

Local residents immediately rushed to the scene and attempted to transport the injured individuals to a nearby hospital. However, both were declared dead upon arrival by the doctors.

The deceased have been identified as Ab Rehman Qureshi, 26, son of Irshad Ah Qureshi from Handwara, and Anesh Soni, 28, son of Rajendra Singh from Punjab.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have registered a case to gather more details.

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