Today: Jul 03, 2024

Drug trafficking and abuse

1 min read

The drug trafficking and abuse has emerged as a major challenge in Jammu and Kashmir for the society. Almost every day, there are reports of drug peddlers being arrested and narcotics being seized. Jammu and Kashmir Police under the leadership of RR Swain has launched a massive crackdown on those dealing in the trade and has been seizing the properties of dealers and suppliers under the UAPA while treating the addicts as victims. The Director General of Police has made it clear that the way Police dealt with the terror ecosystem by taking action against those providing shelter, transporting terrorists and providing other logistics, a similar strategy is needed for those involved in the narcotics business.

Narcotics trade is a complex issue that has serious social, economic and security implications for the region. Jammu and Kashmir shares its borders with countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are known for being major producers of illegal drugs, including opium and heroin. The proximity to these regions makes it easier for illicit drugs to find their way into the Union Territory. Besides the high levels of unemployment become the trigger for youth to engage in drug trafficking and consumption as a source of income or escape from their socio-economic problems. Furthermore, the region has been plagued by a long-standing conflict, which has created an environment conducive to drug trafficking.

Addressing the drug menace in Jammu and Kashmir requires a multi-pronged approach that involves various stakeholders. Strengthening border security to prevent the smuggling of drugs from neighboringcountries is crucial. This may require increased cooperation and intelligence sharing with international partners. The government and the civil society need to launch massive awareness campaigns to educate the public, especially young people, about the dangers of drug abuse and addiction.

While the Police will continue to do what is required of it, the most important thing in countering the drug menace is community engagement. Encouraging community involvement in addressing the issue, including support groups and community-based initiatives, can be effective in preventing and tackling drug addiction. And for better results, the involvement of religious leaders is the must. Not the ones who are promoting hatred between different sects but the apolitical Imams who lead Friday prayers without any political agenda. These Imams need to educate people about the dangers of drug trafficking and abuse during their Friday sermons. Their word carries weight and people listen to them.  Addressing the drug menace requires a coordinated effort involving prevention, treatment, law enforcement, and community support. It is only through such collective action that we can hope to curb the drug menace and create a safer, healthier future for all.

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