Today: Jul 03, 2024

Reasi terror attack

1 min read

While a massive manhunt is underway for “three foreign terrorists, possibly of the Lashkar-e-Taiba”, responsible for the deadly attack on pilgrims that resulted in the loss of nine lives, including a two-year-old and injuries to 41others, the attack is being condemned widely from President of India to ordinary people all over. The UT administration has announced exgratia relief to the families of the victims and to the injured ones who being treated in different hospitals. Besides, Lt Governor has chaired a high level security meeting to assess the situation and tasked the security agencies to act against the perpetrators immediately. 

Targeting innocent pilgrims is the most shameful and cowardice terror act. By doing so, the terrorists have once again proved that neither they believe in any religious ideology nor are they acquainted with the very basics of the human nature. They are cowards because when security forces make them to flee and hide in rat holes, they show their bravado by killing children, women, men ruthlessly. They are a bunch of psychos who have been brain washed by the enemy agencies who can’t digest peace returning to Jammu and Kashmir and the thus desperate to do anything and everything to scare people into submission. People of Jammu and Kashmir in voice should condemn such terror acts and convey to the world and the masters of these petty murderers that there is no space for these people in this society. Besides, people of the Union Territory, residing anywhere should remain vigilant so that such criminals are identified, isolated and punished in accordance with the law of the land. Jammu and Kashmir, particularly Kashmir Valley, has seen worst kind of violence resulting into thousands of deaths, injuries and mass destruction. With the cooperation of the people and efforts of J&K Police other security forces, the situation here has normalised significantly. People finally have started breathing freely and therefore no action that hampers this process of normalization should be tolerated.  

That said, the UT administration, J&K Police and other security forces responsible for counter terror operations should join heads and hands and identify loopholes, if any, in the current security grid. Human intel is the tried and tested potent instrument to know about the enemy plans and the movement. Those dealing with security should have a coordinated approach to deal with this menace. They have to join, not only hands, but heads too to ensure that such incidents are not repeated. However, the priority should to get hold of the group of terrorists who are responsible for Reasi attack. The sooner that happens, the stronger would be the faith of people in these security agencies.

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