Today: Jun 28, 2024

Medical student booked over ‘blasphemous’ posts

3 mins read

Srinagar: A day after being suspended by the Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar following protests by fellow students and some junior doctors on the college campus, police on Thursday booked a non-local medical student studying here for allegedly posting religiously sensitive content online, officials said on Thursday.

A 2023 batch medical student from Rajasthan has allegedly posted against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in a disrespectful manner on a social media messaging app, leading to protests at the GMC Srinagar.

While the GMC Srinagar management suspended the student pending inquiry, police registered a formal case against him for hurting religious sentiments of a particular community.

“Srinagar Police has taken cognizance of the incident of posting of sensitive content against religious sentiments of a particular community by one student of GMC Srinagar,” a police officer said.

A formal case FIR no 13 of 2024 under sections 153/153A, 295A and 505(2) of Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered at police station Karan Nagar in this regard.

“Police take cognizance of the incident of posting of sensitive content against religious sentiments of a particular community by a student of GMC Srinagar administration. Upon receipt of information, case FIR No. 13/24 u/s 153, 153A, 295A, 505(2) IPC registered in PS Karan Nagar,” police said on X.

According to Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir V K Birdhi, the accused was studying at the Government Medical College (GMC) in Srinagar. He allegedly posted against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Scores of students and several junior doctors held a protest on GMC campus against the student, who allegedly on an app posted a display picture which was deemed blasphemous by many students, police said.

The student was suspended Wednesday by the administration of the medical college pending an inquiry.

“Jammu and Kashmir police is not just sensitive on all religious matters, but respects all religious matters. When the religious issues concern law and order, the police become extra sensitive and we will not allow any person to hurt the sentiments of any community,” Birdhi told reporters here.

The IGP Kashmir further appealed to the people not to fall prey to false rumours and warned if anybody is found spreading fake rumours that could trigger law and order issues, he will face strict action.

Birdhi said further investigation into the matter is underway.

Taking cognizance of the incident, the GMC management has tasked 13 HODs and HOUs to inquiry into the matter, urging other students to maintain calm and tranquillity in the college.

“Apropos certain reports from GMC Srinagar, it is informed that immediate cognizance of the matter was taken by the GMC Srinagar administration. Pending inquiry the concerned individual has been suspended with immediate effect,” GMC in a statement said yesterday, adding that an inquiry comprising 13 HODs and HOUs has been initiated for necessary action under rules. All the concerned are requested to maintain calm and tranquility in the campus,” it added.

The “blasphemous act” has evoked condemnations by several unions including the Jammu and Kashmir Students Association (JKSA) and the Resident Doctors Association.

The JKSA urged everyone to maintain calm and refrain from engaging in any form of violence or retaliation. In a statement, JKSA emphasized the importance of addressing such incidents through the legal provisions in place regarding blasphemy.

It said that similar incidents have occurred previously, referencing an offensive post by a student of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) a few months ago. Expressing deep concern over the disrespectful nature of the comments, it said that such remarks are not only offensive but also have the potential to disrupt the harmonious fabric of society.

“These acts not only hurt the religious sentiments of people but also have the tendency to cause commotion and disrupt peace,” it said.

Highlighting the importance of educational institutions fostering environments that promote respect and understanding among students of diverse backgrounds, JKSA underscored that students need to inculcate the values of mutual respect, tolerance, and coexistence among themselves.

It also appreciated the statement of IGP Kashmir, in which he affirmed the police’s commitment to maintaining religious harmony and not allowing anyone to hurt the sentiments of any community.

The JKSA also criticized the college management, whether it is NIT or GMC Srinagar, for their strategy of closing institutions and asking students to leave whenever such incidents occur. It argued that these strategies are ineffective and called for strict action to be taken immediately whenever such incidents occur to prevent law-and-order situations from emerging.

GMC Sgr suspends undergraduate classes till June 8

The Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar on Thursday ordered the suspension of undergraduate classes from June 06 to June 08.

GMC’s Registrar Academics in an order said undergraduate classes shall remain suspended from 6th to 8th June 2024.

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