Today: Jun 19, 2024

21-year-old author Furqan Dawoodi tackles misconceptions about women’s rights in debut book

1 min read

Anantnag: Furqan Dawoodi, a 21-year-old boy, son of the famous religious clerk, Moulana Abdul Rasheed Dawoodi, has penned his debut book at a very tender age to contribute to society through literature.

Furqan studied in Anantnag up to the 8th class and later moved to Karela, where he completed his 12th class. At the age of 20, Furqan started writing about one of the broad topics concerning the rights of women in the light of Islam.

Furqan told Kashmir Images that his book, “Does Islam Snatch Anything from Her?” was published in 2022 and that it was a sort of his initial dream to write on this broad topic.

“I had a lot of passion for writing poetry, quotes, and small articles since birth. I even participated in essay writing many times in Karela. This book is also a contribution towards putting forth the facts in times of Islamophobia. The girls who are being brainwashed by people with lies about the religion – my efforts were to help them understand the true essence and that Islam hasn’t in any way snatched anything from women,” he said.

He said that the book also talks about taboo topics like divorce and that the book also gives some sort of idea about the rights of women while amplifying logic, reason, and teachings of Islam.

“I had written another book about children, but seeing the importance of this topic, the other book was put on hold just to contribute and address the issue that needs to be educated,” he said.

Furqan is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Islamic science and working as a social media influencer.

Furqan said that Islam is a religion which believes in equity rather than equality. Islam has safeguarded women’s rights in every sphere of their life without discrimination of either gender. However, there have been some misconceptions prevailing in the modern world about the false claim of subjection of women’s rights.

“Islamophobia is the main thing that is fueling this fire. The book ‘Does Islam Snatch Anything From Her?’ is a detailed explanation of all these reservations. The book is presenting a real picture of facts to avoid misleading the present generation,” he added.

He further said that the current generation needs to educate themselves about religion which always helps us to remain away from social evils. And that reading culture needs to be promoted among the young generation.