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Secretary Health conducts administrative inspection of GDC Sgr

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Assesses medical facilities, interacts with patients, students, faculty

SRINAGAR: Secretary of Health and Medical Education (H&ME), Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, today visited Government Dental College (GDC) Srinagar and assessed the working of all departments of the hospital besides taking stock of healthcare facilities being made available to the patients.

The Secretary had an extensive round of each department of the hospital to review their functioning. He interacted with the patients, attendants, students, faculty and other staff. He sought suggestions from all the concerned to further improve the field of dentistry across Jammu and Kashmir.

He assessed the status of healthcare infrastructure and services at GDC Srinagar focusing on patient care, infrastructure, equipment and overall operational efficiency of the hospital.

During administrative inspection, the Secretary also interacted with the hospital faculty enquiring from them about their issues and concerns. He sought information about the teaching programmes and the clinical exposure being provided to undergraduate and postgraduate scholars.

Dr Abid Rasheed asked the HoDs to list out the department-wise priority list of materials and equipment.

Maintaining that patient care should be the top priority of the hospital, the Secretary directed the concerned to make optimum use of the resources available for better patient care. He underlined that the goal is to ensure that the medical facilities meet the highest standards and we are able to provide effective healthcare services to the patients. He emphasized upon the doctors to commit themselves towards enhancing the quality of medical services in the hospital.

During his interaction with the students, Dr. Abid Rasheed underscored the need for a broad-based interaction among the students and the teachers. He said that the college should be a vibrant place brimming with activity and enthusiasm. He asked the students to raise their issues at appropriate levels for resolution and to inculcate the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in their lives.

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