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Today: Jun 24, 2024

The Tale of Deception and Wisdom: Education Teaches Adjustment

2 mins read
    Dr.Reyaz Ahmad

In the hustle and bustle of today’s competitive world, where the pursuit of intelligence and success often takes center stage, it is essential to remember that achieving personal growth and excellence should not come at the cost of deceiving or exploiting others. The story of a confident village man who believed himself to be impervious to deceit serves as a valuable lesson in understanding the importance of ethical intelligence.

Our story unfolds in a quaint village where our protagonist lives, blissfully unaware of the complexities of city life. He possessed an unshakable confidence in his intelligence, convinced that no one could outwit him. However, fate had other plans for him, as an opportunity arose for him to visit a bustling metropolis adorned with towering skyscrapers and bustling streets.

As he marveled at the impressive cityscape, his curiosity was piqued by the tall buildings that surrounded him. Determined to count the stories in one of these colossal structures, he set about his task with zeal. Little did he know that his actions were being closely observed by a cunning city dweller who saw in him an opportunity to swindle an unsuspecting outsider.

Approaching the village man, the city dweller asked in a brusque tone, “What are you doing here?” The village man explained his mission to count the number of stories in the building. Seizing the moment, the city dweller inquired, “How many stories have you counted?” The village man replied, “Only 25.” Without missing a beat, the city dweller demanded 25 rupees from him.

Unbeknownst to the village man, he had just fallen victim to a well-practiced con. With a resigned sigh, he agreed to pay the demanded amount and went on his way to his relative’s house. There, he recounted the tale of his encounter, wearing a sly smile, and proclaimed that his experience had shattered the stereotype that city folks were smarter than those from the village.

Perplexed, his relative questioned his reasoning. The village man confidently restated his case, explaining that he had cheated the city dweller by paying 15 rupees less than the actual count of stories, turning the tables on him. He argued that the city dweller had been outwitted, not him.

His relative, however, corrected him, pointing out that the city dweller had indeed taken 25 rupees from him, even though there was no charge for counting the stories of the building. He had fallen prey to the city dweller’s scheme and had not outsmarted him.

This story serves as a stark reminder of the prevalent mentality in society, where many vie to outwit and exploit others, believing it to be a measure of their intelligence. The truth is that such pursuits lead to a dead-end, and individuals must be accountable for their actions. As the saying goes, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Everyone must remember that the birth of foolishness is not in our control; it is a divine decree. Those who may have seemingly been fooled or exploited have often made a conscious decision to accept certain terms due to their circumstances. Such situations do not warrant celebration but rather call for empathy and understanding.

In our relentless quest to be considered clever, we should not forget the basic principles of living harmoniously with one another. True wisdom lies not in exploiting others but in fostering a sense of community where we treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. After all, education’s essence lies in teaching us the art of life adjustment. So, let us strive for a world where intelligence is measured not by deceit but by compassion and fairness, where each of us adjusts our actions to create a more just and equitable society.

The writer ismember Faculty of Mathematics at Department of General Education, SUC, Sharjah, UAE. [email protected]

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