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Sajad Lone urges people to embrace change for North Kashmir’s development

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‘Omar Abdullah’s defeat will symbolise triumph of oppressed common Kashmiri’

Uri: J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Gani Lone made a fervent appeal to the people today while addressing a massive convention in Uri, Baramulla.

He urged the people of North Kashmir to vote for PC to usher in transformative change, aiming to propel the region towards development and dignified living.

In his passionate speech, Lone emphasized the critical choice facing the electorate: to embrace change or remain ensnared in economic disparity, developmental stagnation, and erosion of dignity that remains the hallmark of NC.

Lone criticized NC’s parliamentarians for their failure to prioritize local welfare while highlighting the transfer of hydropower projects to outsiders, depriving locals of benefits from their own water resources.

“If the previous parliamentarians had been sincere about your welfare, they would not have handed over electricity projects to outsiders. Even Rajya Sabha member Shafi Sahab never bothered to raise this issue in parliament,” he remarked pointedly.

He also aimed at the NC’s leadership for their criminal silence on Article 370 over the past three years, as revealed by an RTI inquiry. “Everyone desires the restoration of their identity, yet their parliamentarians have not mentioned Article 370 for the last three years. The theatrics they perform here are exposed before the people. They can’t deceive the people any longer,” he stated.

In a stinging critique of NC’s leadership, Lone accused Omar Abdullah of being disconnected from the local populace. “What makes them uncomfortable and insecure is that I come from a village, not as a tourist like him. One who does not eat what we eat and drink our water cannot understand the nuances and problems of the people. You can never be our representative,” he declared.

Lone further clarified that the party is confident of securing a win from the North Kashmir Parliamentary Constituency. However, he emphasized that winning is not as important to him as the loss of Omar Abdullah.

“The defeat of Omar Abdullah would symbolize the end of helplessness that the majority of Kashmiris have felt under their rule. It would mark the defeat of torture, draconian laws and unjust executions. It would be a victory for those who were wronged in the 1987 rigged elections including my father. A victory for the innocent martyrs who rest in their graves and a triumph for their families. It would be a win for those who were arbitrarily detained and imprisoned under the PSA. Most importantly, it would be a victory for the common Kashmiri who has faced humiliation at the hands of NC. This defeat means much more than just my victory,” he said.

Promising significant development projects, Lone asserted, “If the Peoples Conference goes to Parliament, we will bring major projects—not just small culverts and bridges, but transformative initiatives that will provide a dignified livelihood and the requisite development the people have always yearned for.”


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