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Today: Jun 15, 2024

Vote for Sajad, Altaf Bukhari urges voters

1 min read

Baramulla: At the PC rally in Bramula, JKAP chief Altaf Bukhari urged the massive crowd to turn to polling booths on 20 May to ensure victory of Sajad Shab.

“Me and my younger brother Sajad Shab is one. It is battle between truth and falsehood. We have to give befitting reply to political rivals,” he said while addressing the gathering.

Chairman DDC Baramulla, Saifina Beigh also appealed people to vote in favour of Sajad Lone and ensure victory.

As the dust settles on what can only be described as a momentous occasion, the stage is set for an epic battle of ideologies and visions for North Kashmir. With just days remaining until polling day, the electorate finds itself at a crossroads, tasked with the responsibility of shaping the future of the region.

In the face of adversity and uncertainty, one thing remains abundantly clear—Sajjad Lone’s rally has irrevocably altered the political landscape of North Kashmir, ushering in a new era of spirited competition and democratic fervor. As the region braces itself for the impending electoral showdown, the echoes of Lone’s rally reverberate, serving as a poignant reminder of the power of unity and collective resolve in the pursuit of change.

“It is the biggest mainstream political rally in Jammu and Kashmir not just after 2019, but in the last two or three decades. Our party is receiving tremendous response in all assembly segments of Baramulla and the rally was the last big programme before the culmination of our campaign,” Sajad told media persons.

Politically, Baramulla has always been a hotbed of activity, with its residents actively participating in the democratic process. Elections here are fiercely contested, with candidates from various parties vying for the support of the electorate.

Even during the days of separatists and militants in Kashmir, the polling percentage in the Baramulla seat used to be comparatively higher than that in the other two Lok Sabha constituencies in Kashmir.

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