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Today: Jun 10, 2024

Apni Party workers allege deletion of active voters from list

1 min read

Srinagar: A high voltage drama unfolded at a polling station in Srinagar after workers of Apni Party alleged ‘deletion’ of active voters from the voter list on Monday.

The Apni Party workers claimed that the Booth Level Officer (BLO) in question had removed the active voters from the list, preventing them from exercising their right to vote.

A drama was witnessed at the polling station set up in Tyndale Biscoe and Malison schools, just adjacent to the party chief Mohammad Altaf Bukhari’s residence and office complex.  Here an Apni Party activist claimed that he found a number of voters had been deleted from the voter list.

“This is not an error, as claimed by the BLO, but he has done this as part of a conspiracy to prevent people from supporting the Apni Party candidate,” the party activist shouted, prompting police to intervene.

In order to pacify the agitating Apni Party workers, police asked them to wait till the facts were cleared.

The concerned BLO acknowledged that it was not his fault and that a technical error had resulted in the removal of certain voters from the list.

“There might be some deletions in the list, but it’s not my fault at all, why would I do it. There are some individuals in the list who are no longer alive, but their names haven’t been deleted as of now,” BLO told Kashmir Images.