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Today: Jun 06, 2024

An open letter

2 mins read

Shri Manoj Sinha


Lieutenant Governor,

Jammu & Kashmir

Respected Sir,

I pen this letter with utmost respect &reverence, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to  your good self  today as a Rehbar e Khel teacher, a position I hold with great pride and dedication.

However, I find myself in an excruciatingly difficult situation that compels me to reach out to you with a heavy heart. I am not just a teacher; I am a parent responsible for three young children and elderly parents who depend on me for their well-being. The honorarium I receive for my service, a mere Rs. 4000 per month, is barely sufficient to cover the cost of commuting to work. Unfortunately, this leaves my family in a state of constant hunger and deprivation.

My children and aging parents go to bed hungry, unable to have a decent meal, and it breaks my heart. I am left feeling broken, hopeless, and overwhelmed by despair, with thoughts of desperation and even suicide haunting my mind. Witnessing the suffering of my loved ones, especially my children and elderly parents, is a torment I cannot bear.

I acknowledge the recent decision by the administrative council to increase the honorarium of Rehbar e Khel teachers in J&K by 50%, as per Order No. 09- JK (YSS) of 2024 dated 26-02-2024. However, the previous monthly honorarium of 4000 rupees, with the recent 50% increment, brings the total to 6000 rupees per month, which we find unjust and inadequate. It has come to our notice that our counterparts in the Union Territory of Ladakh have received a significant hike in their honorarium, now standing at 18000 rupees per month, following a decision by the Lieutenant Governor. Both sets of teachers were recruited under similar policies, yet such a glaring discrepancy in compensation exists. This discrimination against the Rehbar e Khel Teachers of J&K is untenable and against the principles of equity.

We firmly demand that the honorarium for J&K Rehbar e Khel teachers be increased to 18000 rupees per month, aligning it with the compensation received by their counterparts in Ladakh. The current honorarium of 6000 rupees per month is insufficient to meet the basic needs and expenses of Rehbar e Khel teachers in today’s world, making survival challenging.

Sir, I implore you with folded hands and the utmost sincerity to consider the plight of not only myself but also my fellow teachers in similar circumstances. We are on the brink of desperation and require your immediate intervention.

I beseech you, for the sake of humanity, to take action and provide us with the support and assistance we need to put food on our tables, ensure our families’ well-being, and restore hope in our lives. I have faith in your compassionate leadership and the potential for positive change. Please, Sir, let us not continue to suffer in silence. Extend your helping hand to us, and together, we can overcome this harrowing ordeal.

With deep respect and a heavy heart,

Yours obedient

Rehbar e Khel Teacher

[email protected]

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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