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Today: Jun 13, 2024

BJP running away from elections, sensing imminent electoral debacle: Omar Abdullah 

2 mins read

Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Monday urged the party office bearers and workers to strengthen the party on the ground by showing unity and agreement among themselves. 

He, according to the NC spokesperson, said this while addressing the party’s one-day convention in TRC Kupwara today. 

On the current political situation in J&K, Omar Abdullah said, “If Assembly elections are held today, the BJP will not even get 10 seats out of 90 and if they use their B team, C team, probably the number will not exceed twenty-five. The BJP tortured the people of Jammu and Kashmir and adopted a policy of bullying and repression, suppressed the media, destroyed NGOs, closed the doors of employment and took bribes from big companies. This is the reason why these people are running away from holding elections here. But how long will they run away from the election? One day or the other elections will be held.”

“In 1996, a confluence of forces sought to undermine the J&K National Conference. However, our unwavering commitment is crystal clear, we do not engage in deceit, make false promises, retreat when faced with challenges, or mislead the people. While some suggested taking to the streets after the abrogation of Article 370, we held firm that street protests wouldn’t lead to success; they’d only harm our youth,” he said. 

He further noted that the path chosen by the party is one of democratic struggle, firmly grounded in the country’s Constitution. “We sought justice through legal means, knocking on the doors of the court. It was a long journey, spanning four and a half years, but with the grace of Allah, we persevered. Notably, among the finest legal minds in the nation, two were dedicated to the cause of the National Conference and of the people of J&K,” he added. 

On the occasion, he quoted the famous poem of Allama Sir Mohammad Iqbal. While reciting the poem, Omar said, “There is something that our existence does not perish, our enemy has been attacking us for centuries.”

The convention was also addressed by party leaders who spoke at length on the problems people of J&K are currently facing including unemployment, poverty, drug addiction, and inflation. 

Speaking on the occasion party’s Provincial President Kashmir Nasir Aslam Wani said, “This is a time of struggle where all right-thinking people of J&K need to come together and be part of the movement that is being spearheaded by J&K National Conference. We need to shun the petty differences and stop these forces from ruining our lives.”

Thanking the people for coming in huge numbers, Nasir said, “I am personally indebted to each one of you and will do everything in my power to make Kupwara the shining example in J&K.”

The convention was organized by the party’s provincial president and in-charge constituency Kupwara Nasir Aslam Wani, while on this occasion party General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar, party treasurer Shammi Oberoi, Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, senior party leaders Mian Altaf Ahmed, Sharief Ud din Shariq, Chaudhary Muhammad Ramzan, Javed Dar, Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi, Mir Saifullah, Qaiser Jamshed Lone, Salman Ali Sagar, Shafqat Watali, DDC members, block presidents, local party functionaries were also present.