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Today: Jun 11, 2024

A Heartfelt Tribute to my School

6 mins read

By: Mahfooz Ahmad Bakshi

As my time at Govt Boys Higher Secondary School Ganderbal comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude. The two years of my life spent within the walls of BHSS Ganderbal have been transformative, filled with valuable experiences. The school has given me a wealth of knowledge that I will carry with me for a lifetime. I would love to express my appreciation to the teachers and staff at BHSS Ganderbal, especially to the principal [Retired], Mr. Ghulam Hassan Bhat (Sir). He is a dynamic personality whose guidance has illuminated my path that was once swaddled in gloominess.

Dear Principal Sir, the more you are praised, the less it is, and honestly, words fall short while expressing your honesty, love, courage, respect, and humbleness. I would consider myself lucky if you are reading this because you are not less than an angel to me. I’m your biggest fan and admire your strategies to help students with their all-round development. You were strict yet friendly. I still remember your grin, and believe me, it transfers positive energy just like it did in school. I wholeheartedly apologize if I have ever disappointed you in any way. I beg for your forgiveness. May you live long. Thank you for making my life vibrant, thank you, thank you, and thank you for everything you did for me.

I came with a little bit of information, but I’m leaving with knowledge. I’m sure that I will achieve wisdom in the coming years. The teaching faculty made it easier for me. Ahmad Showkat sir once said that information turns into knowledge, and knowledge turns into wisdom. This gave me an idea about why I was there within the walls of the school that I once used to call a “prison,” but Showkat Sir changed the way I think. I was keen to listen to his lectures because every time he speaks, he imparts words of wisdom. I will never forget all the invaluable advice you gave me for free. Please know that I love you and I pray for your good health.

As an introvert, I wasn’t able to talk to anyone at first, and writing was a big deal for me back then, but not after I met Gh Hassan Sheikh Sir (English Lecturer- If you are reading this right now, it’s because of you). All credit goes to him. He gave me the power of writing and encouraged me to write. Sir, you are omniscient, and you know I am still seeking the true meanings of the words you used to speak in morning assemblies or in the classroom.

You taught me how to speak, how to behave, how to talk, and much more. I will be forever thankful to you. Although you taught English, you also instilled in me an interest in studying philosophy through your philosophical thoughts. That’s why I said I’m still seeking the meanings of the words you spoke. I aspire to be like you because you are everything a student needs. If you are reading this, I would love to receive your feedback. Please write some advice in the comments section below. I am eagerly waiting for your advice. Stay blessed and live a long and prosperous life.

There was a time when I used to fall asleep right after hearing the words “Politics” or “Political Science” as they seemed boring to me. Indeed, a great teacher can turn any boring topic or subject into an interesting one. Political science was a subject that I used to hate, but as you know, everything happens for a purpose. I somehow opted for it, even though I thought I was going to fail, but Sheikh Imtiyaz sir changed everything. He made me fall in love with Political Science through his teachingskills. A subject that I was not compatible with turned out to be my favorite. It now seems like a piece of cake to pass in that subject. I became aware of contemporary world politics only because of Imtiyaz Sir. There was a rumor spreading in the school campus that our Political Science lecturer would be changed, and at that time, I was literally shocked. It was the moment when I planned for the first time to talk to the principal and tell him not to make the change. I knew that there was no one who could replace you. No one can ever reach your level. You were the best, are the best, and will always be the best. I will never forget you. Thanks for being a wonderful tutor. Live a peaceful life.

I may not be able to mention the names of all the experienced and humble teachers at Govt Boys Higher Secondary School here. I just want to let them know that they are appreciated and respected. GBHSS was not less than a home to me. All the memories that I created in the school are full of laughter and joy. Whenever I reminisce, I smile.

I am leaving the school as I have completed the 12th standard. Now I have to join college for further studies. I will miss those two years that I spent in BHSS Ganderbal. Time flies, but memories remain constant.

My dear teachers, please remember me in your prayers. I truly need your prayers. I just want to let you know that your efforts are appreciated, and you are loved and respected. I love you all.

And one last thing, but not least, I often hear criticisms such as:

– BHSS Ganderbal doesn’t provide quality education, and unwanted activities are taking place inside the school campus!

– Teachers don’t pay attention to students, resulting in students roaming around the market and wasting their time in public parks!

– Students at BHSS Ganderbal lack manners, and so on.

Here, I would like to provide an honest review. As a budding columnist, it is my responsibility to shed light on the truth.

The majority of the teachers at BHSS Ganderbal actually pay a lot of attention to their students. However, there may be one or two teachers who don’t show as much concern for the future of their students. Nevertheless, it seems to me that even they are improving and realizing what they should do for the sake of teaching and for the sake of humanity. In a nutshell, BHSS Ganderbal is on its way to being called the best school in the Ganderbal district. Yes, it’s still a work in progress, and improvements are needed.

The teachers who teach the students in the Arts stream are very sincere, and I found nothing wrong with them. Additionally, every part of the campus is under CCTV surveillance, so it is not possible for students to escape from school and roam around freely.

BHSS Ganderbal provides all the necessary facilities to students, including games, sports, and lessons on manners. Recently, English speaking classes have been added to the curriculum.

Dear parents, please read beyond the lines and ignore the myths. As a proud student of BHSS Ganderbal, I’m telling you that the school is committed to developing the overall personality of your wards.

Yes, there may be some students who could provide bad company to your children in that school, but as responsible parents, you should frequently visit the institute to know about the progress of your ward. The tutors of the institute are trying their best to eradicate all the bad habits of students. If your child complains about anything regarding the teaching faculty, you can discuss it with the principal, as the principal is very understanding.

GBHSS Ganderbal has a mission to build the nation by nurturing the youth of Ganderbal district. Its mission is to:

– Strive to provide quality education.

– Help needy and poor students overcome financial hurdles to complete their education.

– Provide guidance and counseling to meritorious students to thrive and live their dreams.

– Provide opportunities to students to participate in games and sports and pursue a career in them.

– Open gates to desirous students to join the proud ranks of NCC – a unit already established.

– Enable meritorious students to get free coaching from the faculty while preparing for JEE (Mains) & NEET.

– Foster cultural ethos and morality through active participation of students in debates, symposia, etc., as well as other co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

– Engage NGOs and other governmental organizations to curb the menace of drug abuse.

– Encourage students to use multimedia to improve their knowledge and share their contributions.

Above all, it aims to provide individuals with humanity, patience, valor, and courage for society (SOURCE/Prospectus 2021-22).

In conclusion, let me share with you what Mr. Ghulam Hassan Bhat, Ex-Principal, has to say to parents who are willing to enroll their wards in the institute:

“Your decision to enroll your children in the leading institution of this area will positively change their personality, beliefs, and vision by giving them impetus in quantum learning within a short span of time. This will not only make them informative and knowledgeable but also influential in all aspects. Let us work together for academic excellence, intellectual elevation, and leadership qualities among children, and to explore their hidden abilities. To practically achieve these objectives, the school provides a platform for a variety of co-curricular activities, sports events, social work, environmental awareness programs, debates, quizzes, and much more to transform them into future prospective citizens pragmatically. Kindly don’t hesitate to share valuable suggestions.”

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