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Today: Jun 09, 2024

Girl injured in acid attack in Srinagar

1 min read

Srinagar: Some unidentified person threw acid on a 24-year-old girl in Safakadal area on Tuesday evening, officials said.

The girl (name withheld), a resident of Eidgah area of the city, came under attack in Usmani Colony area of Wantpora, reported news agency GNS.

The girl, they said, was shifted to SMHS Hospital for treatment.

The incident has attracted wide spread condemnations by people cutting across political and ideological divides.

Taking to social media platforms, netizens and political and social activists are expressing grave concern over such incidents asking police to act swiftly and nab the culprit.

“This is the worst example of violence against women & there is no place for any such action in any civilised society. We stand by the victim in this hour of pain & hope all the necessary steps are taken by the authorities to provide justice to her,” tweeted JK Peoples Conference.

Peoples Conference leader and chairman DDC Baramulla, Safina Baig while condemning the attack, tweeted: “I express solidarity with the victim & her family and hope that the perpetrator of this crime is immediately brought to justice. I request the @JmuKmrPolice to act swiftly to nab the culprit & set an example by punishing him so that no one dares to commit such a crime again”.

National Conference leader, Salman Sagar expressed hope that Police will act swiftly and nab the criminal.

“Very very disturbing visuals, I am sure & have complete faith in @JmuKmrPolice particularly @KashmirPolice  that they will act swiftly & culprits will be brought to book ASAP. They have very diligently solved such cases in past.

Prayers & thoughts-with the victim & family,” he tweeted.

PDP youth leader and a renowned social activist, Mohit Bhan tweeted: “Deeply anguished & shocked it’s the second attack in 4 months earlier it was Shopian & now Srinagar. Enough is Enough! It’s time we put an end to targeted abuse & harassment women face online/offline every day. May the perpetrators rot in hell. #KashmirAgainstAbuse.”