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Today: Jun 11, 2024

Altaf Bukhari opposes employment to non-locals in Chenab Valley’s power projects

2 mins read

Jammu: Apni Party President Syed Mohammed Altaf Bukhari has strongly opposed employment of the outsiders in power projects of Chenab Valley and demanded job protection for local youth of three districts.

Addressing a joining programme at Jammu’s Apni Party Office in Gandhi Nagar, Altaf Bukhari welcomed retired Forester, Irshad Ahmed Masoom from Kishtwar and District President, People Conference in Doda, Saleem Magray who joined Apni Party.

The programme was organized by State General Secretary, Syed Asgar Ali.

Extending his support to the local youth of Kishtwar, Doda, and Ramban Districts, Altaf Bukhari referred to the growing unemployment among the youth in Chenab Valley.

“We have received certain complaints about the companies running power projects that they have imported non-local labourers and skilled persons from outside J&K while they have ample manpower which is easily available in Kishtwar, Doda, and Ramban Districts,” he said.

“If the companies continue to deny employment to the local youth in these Districts by employing the outsiders, the Apni Party would oppose it strongly,” he added.

He urged the Lt Governor Manoj Sinha for his personal intervention with regard to the employment to the local youth in power projects in Chenab Valley.

“The youth are the future of J&K and we are committed to protect their future with commitment to develop every region equally, employment to all the unemployed youth, electricity to the un-electrified villages, clean drinking water to every village and remote places,” he said.

Meanwhile, he also said that the people of J&K have accepted the Party’s politics of truthfulness which is based on promoting peace, prosperity, development and employment.

“The leaders and workers of NC, PC and PDP are joining Apni Party after losing faith in the traditional political parties,” he said while welcoming the new-entrants into the Party.

He said that “The acceptability of the traditional political parties has declined since their leadership has failed on all fronts to deliver as per the expectation of the people. On the other hand, the Apni Party’s policies and agenda are widely being appreciated by the people which is based on the politics of truthfulness.”

“We are committed to keep the people united and strongly oppose the politics of hatred, communal division or regionalism,” he added.

He said: “We have adopted a path of peace, development, brotherhood, and regional equality with no space for discrimination.”

“The Party is focused to save the future of the youth and the elements trying to fuel the peaceful situation to gain politically should know that people are not ready to accept their divisive politics again,” he said.

“This time, the Apni Party has gained support on the ground and people from various political parties have appreciated the policies of our Party and accordingly joined it. It is unfortunate that the elements who still believe in creating differences between the two regions, but the Apni Party will never allow such elements to succeed,” he added.