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Today: Jun 12, 2024


Raouf Rasool
5 years ago

Time to learn from Bushmen

Sitting by a campfire listening to a song of Bushmen somewhere deep in the Kalahari Desert, an American Anthropologist William Ury thought he recognized a word or two… When the lyrics were
Raouf Rasool

Political expediency and deliberate deceit!

Thanks to the raging controversy about the Article 370, the two regional majors — National Conference and Peoples Democratic Party — otherwise facing political irrelevance, get an opportunity to engage in some
5 years ago
Raouf Rasool


Politics, according to Webster is “the science and art of government”. Though it is generally viewed in a context of corruption, interestingly, however, its dictionary synonyms are “discreet, provident, diplomatic, wise….” So
5 years ago

The traditional Jewelry of Kashmir

Like other arts and crafts, Kashmiri’s had no less expertise in producing some of the finest and exquisite items of jewelry. Massive workshops were set up in various villages, towns and cities
5 years ago
Raouf Rasool

They won’t change, yet they want change! 

Somewhere in mid-sixties, an American political organizer after finishing his lecture at the Stanford University was approached by a Soviet professor of political economics from University of Leningrad. Since both these people
5 years ago
Raouf Rasool

Simplistic inferences won’t help

The very low voter turnout during the just concluded Lok Sabha elections in Kashmir may not have surprised any – for the political realists had anticipated it to be so. As always
5 years ago
Raouf Rasool

Problem of beggary

Come Ramazan, Valley witnesses an unprecedented surge in the problem of beggary. Though a social evil, but here in the Valley the mendicancy has been flourishing with more and more people including
5 years ago
Raouf Rasool

Shifting morality of the state!

Today a whole lot of Indians find it difficult to reconcile with the way the India as a State conducts itself, both internationally as well as with its domestic subjects, particularly the
5 years ago
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