Shahid Ahmed Hakla Poonchi



In the grand tapestry of human existence, mistakes emerge as intricate threads, weaving tales of resilience, innovation, and growth. However, they also cast shadows of frustration, disappointment, and sometimes despair. Like a double-edged sword, mistakes possess the power to shape our paths in profound and often unexpected ways. In this in-depth exploration, we embark on […]

 KI News

Book Review: ‘Gashi Malar’ – An analysis of the creative works of prose and poetry

Book Review: ‘Gashi Malar’ – An analysis of the creative works of prose and poetry

By: Rayees Ahmad Kumar Kashmir has seen a great number of scholars, poets, writers, critics and essayist who profoundly enriched not just the language but the cultural ethos of the place and worked hard for the development and promotion of great works of literature. It is for the great works of literature our writers and […]

 KI News

The pathetic trend of ‘Ground Zero Journalism’ by unprofessional, self-styled journalists

The pathetic trend of ‘Ground Zero Journalism’ by unprofessional, self-styled journalists

By: Fazil Shafi Bhat Journalism is not just a profession but a form of worship in the sense that an experienced and righteous journalist fulfills their professional duty in the best possible way. It is also considered a pillar of democracy. In India, the credit for the beginning of Urdu journalism goes to Maulvi Mohammad […]

 KI News

Why are attitudes changing and families breaking apart?

Why are attitudes changing and families breaking apart?

In the materialistic era, the competition for comforts has scorched the relationships. By: Dr. Satywan Saurabh Today, there is a strong need for everyone to think about family values and family as an institution, and at the same time, there is a need to find out the reasons for the decline of these values and […]

 KI News

The Toxic Co-worker

The Toxic Co-worker

By: Arshid Qalmi Workplaces are microcosms of society, comprising diverse individuals with varying backgrounds, personalities, and work styles. Ideally, a workplace should foster mutual respect and collaboration among co-workers, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. However, it only takes one toxic individual to disrupt this balance and undermine the essence of mutual […]

 KI News

Turmoil in PoK, result of Islamabad’s oppressive policies

Turmoil in PoK, result of Islamabad’s oppressive policies

A Report Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK)has experienced significant turmoil over the past weeks, with daily life severely disrupted due to the violent suppression of protests by Pakistani security forces. Normalcy was only restored after the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC), an alliance of civil rights groups, called off their protest. The protests were […]

 Other View

Understanding Renal Hypertension and Kidney Health

Understanding Renal Hypertension and Kidney Health

By: Dr. Salil Jain On World Hypertension Day, it’s crucial to shed light on a lesser-known type of high blood pressure that originates from kidney disease – renal hypertension. Renal hypertension occurs when there is elevated blood pressure due to kidney disease, specifically caused by narrowing in the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. […]

 Other View

Ravaged by Floods: Afghanistan’s Desperate Plight

Pranjal Pandey Nearly 315 people have died, and over 1,600 have suffered injuries in catastrophic flash floods that swept through various provinces in Afghanistan on Friday, May 10. Authorities have declared a state of emergency in response to the situation. Northern Baghlan province bore the brunt of the devastation, with a death toll of over […]

 KI News

Heat can affect your brain health too

Heat can affect your brain health too

By: Dr.Vinit Banga Extreme heat can profoundly impact the brain, affecting cognitive function, mood, and overall health. When exposed to high temperatures, the body works overtime to regulate its internal temperature, diverting blood flow to the skin to facilitate cooling. This shift in blood flow can lead to reduced blood supply to the brain, impairing […]

 KI News



By: Abrar Yousuf Mir In the serene valley of Kashmir, amidst its breath taking beauty, lurks a troubling reality- rise in sudden cardiac deaths. This silent epidemic has cast a somber light on the region’s heart health landscape, prompting a clarion call to action. In moments of cardiac emergencies, the ability to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation […]