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Today: Jun 10, 2024

OTHER VIEW - Page 167

China and the US

By: Dr A Q Khan The Chinese are our best friends while the Americans always try to find some fault with us. Most recently, they even blamed China for our debt problems
6 years ago

Autonomy curbed

ALL federations make foreign affairs a central subject. But none render the states as dependent on the centre as India does. Chief ministers take its permission for travel abroad. As citizens, they
6 years ago

Migrant and nation

By: Khaled Ahmed On Sunday, September 16, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that he would start “work immediately” on providing passports to the children of refugees born in Pakistan. He might soon
6 years ago

Two debatable draft laws

BY: I.A. Rehman PARLIAMENT is currently seized of two significant bills, one for punishing the crime of causing enforced disappearance and the other for the trial of blasphemy and other offences under
6 years ago

Slow burn to rage

BY: Vaishna Roy The degree and extent of the revelations over the last fortnight have revealed an ugly, festering side to our society. The long, arduous and often invisible history of women’s
6 years ago
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