KI News

Education and Earnings: The Link Between Learning and Financial Success

Education and Earnings: The Link Between Learning and Financial Success

In ancient periods, the main goal of education was knowledge acquisition; there was no connection between it and financial gain. The need to make a living and the yearning for a better lifestyle emerged as societies developed. In the past, there was a clear distinction between the rich and the poor, and the idea that […]

 KI News

Success Is Not Final; Failure Is Not Fatal

Success Is Not Final; Failure Is Not Fatal

By: Abid Hussain Rather Two days ago, Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) announced the results of 12th class examination. Out of 93,340 candidates registered for the examination, only 68,385 (74.3%) were declared as pass and rest couldn’t qualify the said examination.  While people were sharing the success stories of toppers in […]

 Dr.Shiben Krishen Raina

Paternal Imprints: Guiding Light for Generations

Paternal Imprints: Guiding Light for Generations

As we navigate with the complexities of life, it is often the smallest gestures that leave the most indelible marks on our hearts. In the story of a father’s fingerprints on the walls, we find a profound lesson in love, respect, and the enduring bond between generations. In the twilight of his years, a father’s […]

 KI News

New Advances in Treating Stage IV Cancer

New Advances in Treating Stage IV Cancer

By: Dr Raghav Kesri  Stage IV cancer, also known as metastatic cancer, is the most advanced form of the disease. It is characterized by the spread of cancer cells from the primary site to distant parts of the body. Historically, a diagnosis of stage IV cancer was often seen as a terminal condition with limited […]

 KI News

My tryst with the Mulberry trees

My tryst with the Mulberry trees

By: Peer Mohammad Amir Qureshi As I lay in repose, besieged by the ailment that had plagued me for days, my ruminations were abruptly interrupted by the plaintive creak of the door. It was my jubilant younger sister, exuberantly proclaiming, “Behold, dear brother, the bounteous harvest of nature’s jewels!” She presented before me a cornucopia […]

 KI News

The Third Innings

The Third Innings

Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, The NDA government at the center is likely to form government for the third time, and Mr. Narendra Modi is set to become the Prime Minister for the third consecutive term. He will become the second leader in the country to create a record of becoming the PM for […]

 KI News

‘Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth Century India by David Arnold’  

‘Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth Century India by David Arnold’  

By: Hilal Ahmad Tantray  ‘Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth Century’ India is a seminal historical study by David Arnold that scrutinizes the intertwined relationship between medical science, colonialism, and public health during the 19th century in British India.  Arnold asserts that the British colonial rulers introduced modern medicine as a […]

 KI News

The shocking rise of cancer among young adults 

The shocking rise of cancer among young adults 

Causes, Prevention, and Action By: Aubaid Ahmad Akhoon As we unfold new frontiers in science and technology, promising breakthroughs and unprecedented achievements, we are also confronted with an equally pressing reality: the alarming rise in deadly diseases. The very advancements that propel us forward in countless aspects of life are paralleled by the emergence of […]

 Mushtaq Hurra

Bound in Love

Bound in Love

​Elegance, aesthetics, grace and sustenance of the biological world lies in the creation of opposite genders. Absolute patriarchy would have turned the world insipid and soul less, if there had been no femininity to remove the monotony of the masculine world. Allah SWT has designed things in pairs to bestow congruity to the universe. Even […]

 KI News

The Psychological Factors of Procrastination 

The Psychological Factors of Procrastination 

By: Mahfooz Ahmad Bakshi We live in a world filled with distractions, so the temptation to procrastinate literally lurks around every corner. Whether it’s delaying household chores or putting off important work assignments, procrastination can feel like an enemy at times. Some might wonder what procrastination really is and what harm it causes. Well, to […]

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