Today: Jun 27, 2024


24 hours ago

Menace of beggary 

Kashmir Valley, particularly the major towns and tourist resorts are witnessing an unprecedented surge in the problem of beggary. Though a social evil, but here in the Valley the mendicancy has been
2 days ago

Environment and ecology

The Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo has asked all the concerned stakeholders to review and strengthen the measures regarding prevention of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) and carry out meaningful studies by
3 days ago

Congratulations Srinagar

Srinagar, the capital city of Jammu and Kashmir, has been officially recognised as a World Craft City by the World Crafts Council. It is a great news not for Srinagar only but
4 days ago

Focussing on education

If the government really wants to do something for the people to ensure a better future, it has to focus its energies on education sector. The recent controversy surrounding NEET has come
6 days ago

J&K deserves peoples’ government

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on Thursday said that preparations for the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir have begun and the day is not far when the people of the Union territory
7 days ago

Drinking water crisis

Kashmir, the Valley of rivers, streams, springs and lakes is facing shortage of drinking water as summer progresses. It is not for the first time, fact of the matter is that drinking
1 week ago

Yoga Day & PM’s Kashmir Visit

On International Yoga Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be leading a special Yoga session along the banks of famed Dal Lake on Friday morning. International Yoga Day is observed annually on
2 weeks ago

Message of Eid

Eid ulAdha commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Isma’il as an act of obedience to God’s command. According to Islamic tradition, just as Ibrahim was about to
2 weeks ago

Tourism and environment

From past sometime Kashmir has started receiving record number of tourists. The Union Territory administration too has been working tirelessly to attract more and more tourists. The increased footfall has resulted into
2 weeks ago

Drug trafficking and abuse

The drug trafficking and abuse has emerged as a major challenge in Jammu and Kashmir for the society. Almost every day, there are reports of drug peddlers being arrested and narcotics being

Health sector needs attention 

From past few years, the UT administration has been working tirelessly to ensure robust and efficient health services in Jammu and Kashmir with the focus on the goal of ‘Health for All’,
2 weeks ago

Reasi terror attack

While a massive manhunt is underway for “three foreign terrorists, possibly of the Lashkar-e-Taiba”, responsible for the deadly attack on pilgrims that resulted in the loss of nine lives, including a two-year-old
2 weeks ago

Enhancing honorarium of AWWs/AWHs

Finally, there is a good news for the regular employees of Directorate of Family Welfare MCH & Immunization and continued staff and AWWs/AWHs of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). The UT administration
2 weeks ago

Theme Park, a great initiative

The decision of UT administration to develop a Theme/Amusement Part at Srinagar’s Tattoo ground is a path breaking one and that would attract more and more tourists thus given a boost to
3 weeks ago

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